Are you sure u've posted it in the right forum it doesn't look like a 'competitive' map. Iam afraid, it looks like a big mess. 1/5
What? You've got to be kidding me... you actually posted such a map? You've got some balls. Lol, when I saw your name as the creator I was like "Wait? A G&A person has posted a map? ." Well, I can see this is a "joke map" and I can say this is rather lame. Please try and not to do this in the future... just seems rather n00bish.
This map is liek ARRGGHGHHGHHHH!!! Im a pirate and im gonna pirate U!! buut On A Serious Note I Am Appalled By How................................. Amzzing thiz iz it makes me want to cry and i feel like it has great asthetics i mean think of it like this Your fighting teh alians on teh spaceship and then ur liek RAAWR and it crashz in 2 the ground and goes SPLAT all over the place and teh sheilded doors go everywherez and pieces of the ship are everywhere and vehicles are everywhere and enemies are everywhere and then you wake up and are like OOOOOO die alians DIE!!! and you fights and fights and then respawns in the same spot so its likke you restarted and you keep doing it until its done and then you go awesome map Lock i canz playz morez???
umm all i can say is that this map amazez me i mean it is most likely the best map i have ever played i can tell you put much time and efert into this map i will DL and try later[LOL] 9.99999999999999999999999999999999999/10 the onyl possibel way i can see this to be fun is with infinate grenades to try to bounce off of the shields. other then that its just basically a bunch of boxes and such lying around. 2/5
Cool map 5/5 DLing now. .... XD I was lyk omg a mp bg Lockdown. Then I was like hmmmm maybe he should stay in the graphics and arts section then I realized... Then I lol'd Great job buddy. I commend you.