Str8 Rippin (1st Seed) won first 2 games to 3 but Believe the Hype (11th Seed) came back and won 3 games in a row to knock them to the loser's bracket
After seeing them run over TD, I wasn't TOO surprised. I guess this is what happens when you don't have Internet for a while.
That was absolutley amazing. I think its the biggest upset in MLG history. It was a great game to watch live.
It's too bad this the best any of them will ever do in their career. They got lucky that they played A) Classic, a terrible team that shouldn't have even been in the Top 8 but was due to the point system B) tD, who are extremely inconsistent and have sporadic placings as shown last year and C) str8, who barely played in the off-season, and really don't have much to loose if they do bad this tourney because they won the championships last year. But I do think Cloud is a beast and will probably go to a better team. And I think Clutch will probably get beat up in a bathroom sometime tomorrow for acting like such a dbag.
Yeah i watched that. It was pretty exciting. The last match on The Pit wasn't even close. BTH just recked them in the end. I am so happy that St8 Rippin didn't win! yeah well did you see Walshy before he played FB? I was laughing sooo hard! Ogre 2 is probably goin to rape him in the bathroom
I haven't seen the games yet, but I thought Str8 could've gone all the way to the top. What happened in those last three games?
str8 vs HTB is on the rebroadcast right now. I didnt get tosee it but now im excited to see this team wreck str8. im a huge str8 fan too.
A) I agree with. I wouldn't say terrible, but considering the context of the Pro Circuit I wouldn't call your description harsh. But B) tD has changed half their roster, saying that they're the same team as last year is just plain wrong. And even then, I'd say the reason they placed so sporadically last year was because, back then as well, they were changing up their roster for 4/5 events, I think they did pretty damn well taking a first place spot considering that. Plus, tD were the only team to really make some waves in the LANs against SQ, so I'd think twice before judging them in such simple terms, and also before writing off BtH beating them as not much of a challenge. C)I wouldn't say barely played, they said that they didn't have internet for a while but they also said that they practiced a lot when they got it back. Would you call a full LAN with SQ not practicing much? It's as much LAN practice as many other top 16 teams got. And look at Snip3down, he's grown so much as a player, filling out his playstyle to work in support and objective roles as well. Maybe tD aren't living up to expectations right now, but those expectations were pretty high for a team who changed up half its roster, and lost FiS who was a key part of tD through all the changes. But saying that BtH didn't pull of something really special by beating both them and Str8 is just wrong if you ask me, as is saying that this is some kind of lucky one hit wonder deal for BtH. They worked damn hard to pull of both those wins, especially the Str8 one, give them props for it, and I'd say they'll continue to make waves as long as they can hold their confidence. And if there's one thing they'll have gotten from those two big wins, it's confidence. I assume you aren't writing off Instinct as an easy opponent as well, so let's just see how much trouble BtH give them tomorrow, eh? I still think Instinct will take it, but I see BtH making it less than easy for them.
As long as Neighbor doesn't get down on himself Instinct will destroy them. Cloud will have to go HUGE to give BtH any chance of winning.
Now this I agree with 100%. Neighbor's chemistry was the one thing that had me worried about the move. He's just the best pure Slayer around, I don't care how many people jump on the Snip3down wagon, I'll stick with Neighbor unless some big changes occur (this isn't to say I'm being down on Snip3down, he's a beast and no mistake, he deserves his credit for coming from nowhere to being undeniably one of the handful of biggest slaying forces on the circuit, I just think Neighbor is so solid it isn't true). Neighbor needs not only a good team around him, but also one that he fits well with, and a captain who can keep the whole team pumped, to do his thing properly. This was evident with FB, the team had lost its direction and a new heavy slayer without proper team chemistry wasn't the answer. When the new roster didn't immediately bring back the success that The Dynasty of FB had enjoyed, it seemed like OGREs 1, 2 and Strongside just got down on themselves and the team. Neighbor was left as the guy expected to prop up this team and bring new life, when actually he really needs a good environment to do well in the first place (tbh, this is true for pretty much anyone, but his mental game is a reasonable factor, nothing on the scale of Mackeo, but still important). But I was actually watching some Neighbor FB games recently and he kinda reassured me a little. There were multiple games where FB were getting walked on and Neighbor was actually the one trying to pull the team up again. He was pulling off great multi's, making mini clutches and keeping some fire in the game. It didn't work, not by a long shot, but the fact that he was trying so hard to bring the others up when losing, and considering that HE was the new guy, the one who should be working off the others and finding his place, I was really impressed. This reassured me somewhat to his ability to fit in to a team and fulfill his role. I think chemistry is still definitely a factor for him, but with such a cohesive machine as Walshy and the new twins around him, not least with the great captain that is Walshy calling the shots, I think he'll do fine. Walshy can get down on himself too, and as Sundance said today "he needs to pull his head out of his ass" just a little, and actually hold his head high when he's getting frustrated and pull his team through, not just when they're doing well. But with the added, massive solidity that Neighbor brings to a team, and the key plays that he makes and gives to his team, I think him and Walshy have the potential to play incredibly well off one another. He could really be the 4th giant that Instinct have been looking for (as always, Soviet should not be underrated, but his ability to convert talent in to consistency and beast mode at events has always been a problem, much as it looks to be improving this year), and I think he will be. This is also reinforced for my by Instinct so far, their games against FB were great, and I was really pissed at Puckett for not watching Neighbor more in those games. Silly Puckett. If you go to the MLG website, the front page redirects to the live stream page. Screw ESPN, everyone in the world ('cept maybe China and the other net fascists) gets it live, for freeeeee!