Hello and welcome to my latest big team battle map: TROGLODYTE. This map recently recieved onyx rating in the Halo Charts BTB map competion. It has been play tested to oblivion and provides intense but well balanced big team action. Power items include two warthogs, 2 ghosts, 2 focus rifles, 2 machine gun turrets, 1 rocket launcher, 1 shotgun and 1 grenade launcher. Here is a very brief gameplay vid: [bungievid]15474915[/bungievid] Map Screenshots: OVERVIEW (ROOF REMOVED) RED BASE SEEN FROM RED RIDGE VIEW FROM TOP OF RED BASE LOOKING TO CENTRE FROM RED RIDGE LOOKING TO CENTRE FROM BLUE RIDGE VIEW FROM TOP OF BLUE BASE CLOSE UP CENTRE BASE (Holds one way teleporters into red and blue bases, so team holding this area has advantage in flanking as well as objective games)
looks very impressive. Not to be offensive to the creater of the other map, but this looks much better than that BTB map "Rift" that is going into matchmaking. This map belongs in Matchmaking. One tip though, take of the roof. this map looks a lot better without the roof. clearly seen in pic one. This map would be better witout the large gray roof. If you were trying to go for the Cave feeling, I don't feel like it has worked. sorry
I agree with this being a matchmaking map, but not so much the roof being taken off. I can kinda see what you mean with the big grey roof, but i think he did a good job putting rocks to dress it up a little. Plus, with the roof gone and the walls still up, the walls might look awkward just standing there. What might work is delete parts of the roof(keep roof above middle) and delete some of the walls, and it might look alot better. If you take any of these ideas, post pics would be nice. Other than that, great job on the map.
thanks. Opinion is split on the roof. Some like the enclosed feeling it creates. Some, like your good self don't. My personal reasons for the roof is that a) it makes jet packs a lot easier to deal with, and b) its a much more efficient and way of binding the arena than lots and lots of soft kill zones. I haven't really got it there for asthetic reasons. I'm unlikely to make any changes now, since the map has been submitted to the final stage of the contest and i can't change the link.
Popped in to say that I loved playing this, the push and pull of CTF was awesomesauce. You did well here saddo. And for the record, I'm one of those cats that wants you to leave the roof I actually like it. It felt kinda like waterworks in that first instant I spawned.
Wow, looks incredible. Looks a lot like Avalanche with Waterworks feel. I disagree with removing the roof I think the underground/cave feel looks excellent and I can't wait to get back on campus to play on this.
I also like the roof, there are not many maps where such a large stalactite looks not out of place. I love most of the map, definately one of the best BTB maps I have seen, but I saw 1 thing I wondered about. The Rockets, Shotgun, and G-launcher were all very close to each other, so close it seems easy for one person to get two of them at the start and rain death. I have not played, so this is just my thoughts, this may or may not be the case. Great job man, 5/5.
Rockets, shotgun and grenades launcher are indeed very close together. (although grenade launcher is further away than it seems, being on a lower level). This is deliberate and designed to pull people into the middle. Usually at the onset of the game there is a rush for the rockets which results in mutual destruction of most people involved. After this, one side tends to take temporary control of the middle, taking control of the shotgun and grenade launcher as well as the teleporter base. This usual prompts a determined push from the other team. The game tends to continue in a very push and pull manner. To hold the entire middle ground is advantageous, but difficult to sustain against a determined attack. In a prior version, rockets spawned in middle but there were no other incentives to push forward and teams tended to camp thier own half of the map (in slayer games) at the detriment of gameplay. [br][/br]Edited by merge: The link in the OP has been changed to a more recent incarnation of the map, currently labelled Troglodyte3. The teleporter reciever nodes are now just outside the bases rather than inside. This is the version that will be used for the HALO CHARTS BTB TOURNAMENT and has been submitted to community cartographers.