This thread is for only matters concerning BTB Shenanigan Discussions. BTB Shenanigans is a new recap series that Agamer93, Amercanpsycho, and I are getting started at. The reason why its called BTB Shenanigans is because basically what we do is go into a game of Social BTB and screw around. Occasionally, we come across some fun people who will join along in our laughter which makes our series all the better. We usually have 7 people in a party and we feature one random member to come and play with us. Our current members are: Phreakie Amercanpsycho xSharpshooter94 goatnuts420 Xanon Roche178 Headlessbarbie Our social group is located here: Forge Hub Halo Forums - BTB Shenanigans Team List of people who want to be in future episodes: Thorax tehgreat Rabbiittt DropDeadxJordz eguitarplayer33 Dizfunky Im sic nasty Oberlin27 Pennywiez EpicFishFingers ER1C0 HLG Flashpoint Skater770 Whats a scope Camofo Smeagleton Featured Members: PXXPGOBLIN headlessbarbie Conkers Day Out Turbulence If you want to be one of the featured members in a future episode, leave a post here in this simple format: Gamertag: Mic: Any Ideas: Episode 1 Episode 2
Eh, I might. I dunno. I have an idea though. "Big Team Betrayal" You only get maybe two people with you and you betray the rest. It'll be fun.
That might work, however, we want to have as many people as possible from our members list. We could have seven people in our party, then have one random on our team and shoot him while he has his mic in a see what he says.
We might have to postpone it until Saturday. Most of us are fine with the original date. Agamer thinks we should let the first episode get more popular before we start another one. Builds up anticipation i guess? We cant do it this saturday for sure though because I go to my dad's house. Sunday I can and this Tuesday, wednesday, and thursday i also can.
I'll join if you need an extra camera guy; I've got a capture card. But I also have some good ideas and I love playing BTB
Sorry, didn't follow the format: GT: EpicFishFingers Mic: Yes Ideas: Driving the flag carrier/bomb carrier off a cliff, take the banshee on Valhalla just to get on top of the base's tower, and then not kill anyone, don't veto Isolation or Construct, play really **** music down the mic and sing along, just drive the elephant the whole game on a Sandtrap game. I can come up with more mehbeh
Gamertag:Thorax tehGREAT Mic:Yes Any Ideas: Mongosse Assault Pistol Attack Flash mob and so many more
I spoke with Shock Theta. He stickied the thread on one condition. NO SPAM. Please keep this thread strictly to do with the discussions of the series or episodes.
For future purposes for any one who posts in this thread, it is not necessary to join our group yet we are always willing to accept you in on an episode if wanted to be in one. This is the discussion thread therefore you can discuss solely about BTB Shenanigans. You aren't breaking any rules if you post in this thread without wanting to join. If wanting to join however, it is appreciated that you follow the form in the original post. We would appreciate some of your ideas, as we would also appreciate your presence, yet I'm sorry to say that we don't need another camera guy. Phreakie, AmercanPsycho, and I all have capture cards, and editing programs. You can say that our original idea is based off of Brokeback Pirates, however Brokeback Pirates was never turned into a series, and from what I know I've never seen any one turn into a video. Usually BBP was done only after TGIF's yet I don't think it is done any more by anyone. So we decided to have ourselves a little fun and make BTB Shenanigans.
Suggestions for Ideas are fail. Our ideas our rather spontaneous like: congo line! Elitesaurus pile up! Anti-Megatron Bubble shield party! Mongoose of doom! Warthog of Doom! Ghost of Doom! Banshee Killtrocity Splatter! Eliteasaurus party parade! Etc.
Hmmm... how about try and hide for the entire game, or just get everyone on one hornet (if on Avalanche). It could be called the duckmobile! Next episode you could be dinosaurs instead of ducks. Rawr! Play ten-pin bowling for part of the match (get ten players to stand in a triangle, then two guys on a mongoose have to 'knock down' as many of them as they can)
Ideas: Don't use that font for subtitles. If the subtitles are there because the voices are hard to hear then its pointless making the test hard to read. It won't make it look uncool, its just more sensible to use a font like Arial for subtitles. Try a slow moving convoy! Get as many vehicles and drive around the map in a single file slowly like a parade!