BTB Forge Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Doju, Nov 18, 2015.

  1. End My Misery

    End My Misery Legendary

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    Can't say I'm a HUGE fan of these maps, but I'll do my best to explain my reasons and give some feedback.
    (Also this is my first post so go easy on me.)

    I haven't read through much of the thread yet, but I have similar points to make as other posts I've seen, so I hope I'm not repeating too much.

    Definitely my favorite of the bunch, mostly because I tend to play best on it compared to the other maps, but I swear there are design reasons.
    • I really enjoy the cannons on the base. A extremely nice alternative compared to walking (or sprinting) towards the middle of the map.
    • The middle base makes for great close quarters action if you don't excel at long range combat. (It has a very simple design which is a plus from me.)
    • Not a fan of the steep hill splitting the map. Really awkward engagements ensue there so I tend to avoid that area of the map.
    • I find the side paths that connect the Active Camo tend to go unused, which leads to sneaky sneaks sneaking around the back side of your spawn (Which is good for them I suppose if they can pull it off without anyone noticing) but for the most part it's just dead space.
    • The bases designs are a little weird. I don't know if this is a positive or a negative.
    I like this one, but it could use some work.
    • Dat random initial spawn on the side of Blue Base.
    • Love the base design. Tunnel up front. Dual entrances on the right sides. Small vehicle entrance in the back. No complaints here.
    • A lot of the middle tends to be way too open. I never really played Standoff so I'm assuming this is intentional in some way. A few more trees and rocks would be nice.
    • Not a fan of the three power weapons lined in the middle of the map exposed. I feel like there should be some kind of base or something to require a little more effort to obtain them. That is, the teams should have to worry more about CQC fighting and grenades rather than just avoiding sniper fire. That would require a bit more teamwork no?
    • Love the rest of the weapon selection however. Weapons seem to be placed exactly where you'd expect to find and use them.
    Meh. I was never a fan of the original Halo trilogy map design (the maps I did play anyways).
    • You guessed it. The Mantis.
    • I'm sure this will subside over time, but navigation is a huge pain on this map. (I never really played Halo 2 MP beside MCC, and this map never came up so I never learned the original.)
    • Not a fan of the weapon placement. They just kind of seem placed there for the sake of being on the map.
    I have a very strong distaste for this map. It's going to get me banned one day if it keeps coming up.
    • This map is way too open. Even the enclosed pathways connected to Middle Tower feel like sniper deathtraps. (Doesn't help the sniper spawns right next to those pathways.)
    • What's with the singular scorpion? I get that 343 want players to abuse the powerful tools on the map to get an advantage, BUT A TANK?
    • Vehicle paths. There are none. It almost feels like the smaller vehicles have no place to go except into the path of the scorpion.
    • The bases are... okay? I guess. They don't really feel like bases to me. More like a building you'd see on the side of a map. They're too open on the inside and too blockaded on the outside. Needs more hallways/paths/walls/cover on the inside. Something you can easily defend.
    How'd I do for my first post? DO YOU LIKE COLORS? DO YOU?

    Edit: So colors ARE bad. Duly noted. (Also thank you for segmenting my posts into their appropriate thread. I had no idea there were multiple.)
    #21 End My Misery, Nov 21, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2015
    WAR and NOKYARD like this.
  2. Doju

    Doju Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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  3. Kell Of Scots

    Kell Of Scots Legendary
    Senior Member

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    • Sniper on Guillotine Spawns on the side that provides the most cover for a sniper, and provides little incentive to move from that side. Then you have the shotgun there. oh and the camo. plz 343 stahp. Blue team also has mantis superioirity. they have higher ground to shoot Reds taking or going for the mantis. the issue would not be there if.....
    • MANTIS NEEDS TO GO. Mantis gameplay on Guillotine is worse than bloody Ragnarok. It's either dead in the first 15 seconds at the start or Its used to reinforce the already to easy to hold "Blue Side". Wheres the Hogs? Dammit 343!
    • TO much Anti-Vehicle Weaponry. This flaw seems to be ongoing on any 343 BTB Playlist, That every BTB map needs umpteen ways to kill the already weak vehicles. Sniper wrecks vehicles, Rockets wreck vehicles, Laser kills vehicle gameplay all together, banshee somewhat excluded, while there is a banshee on the map, the supporting vehicle set suffer from the lasers presence.
    • An issue with Sniper in Halo 5 period, it Has to much magnetism. like, christ, it's almost as bad if not worse than Halo 4 beam rifle. Funnily enough, the Halo 5 beam seems to have much less than it. the beam rifle seems to be a more competitive option all round.
    • Does Guillotine have Hydras on it? if not I think it would be the best map for one!

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