Brumaks..They are big, ugly, and always pissed off [FONT="]What to say about the Brumaks.. Gears of War 1, I thought they were cool, but hated them, Gears of War 2 after getting to ride one I loved them, and Gears 3...Well It finally pushed me to forge one.[/FONT] [FONT="]As a matter of fact I've wanted to do this from the Halo 3 Days, but Forge just lacked a lot of features for that to happen.[/FONT] [FONT="] [/FONT] [FONT="] [/FONT] [FONT="]Little insight on these guys: Brumak were specifically bred by the Locust for one purpose, to kill, maybe carry stuff, aka carry stuff that kills. A fully grown Brumak could reach up to about 49 feet, a nice 5 story building and weigh 33,000 pounds. Not your ideal house hold pet, but I’m sure the Locust did not keep them around to cuddle with.. Even without any armor Brumak hide is extremely resilient. It would take a large amount of focused small arms fire to deal any formidable damage to the beast. Brumaks are usually armed with dual chainguns on each arm, a back mounted cannon, and a multi-launch rocket system. Two pilots or drivers are responsible for guiding the creature (Ussually Locust Beast Riders, sometimes you and your buddy)[/FONT] [FONT="]With this arsenal they were often used in large scale siege operations such as the Charge of Jacinto or intercepting large enemy forces such before and after the events of Land Down.[/FONT] [FONT="]Not only is the creature deadly in combat, its sheer size is enough to devastate morale.[/FONT] [FONT="][/FONT] [FONT="][bungievid]24009373[/bungievid][/FONT] [FONT="][/FONT] [FONT="][/FONT] [FONT="]Screenshots:[/FONT] [FONT="] [/FONT] Download Brumak
I see you are branching out from building Halo statues. For the brumak itself, it is great, much like all of your other maps! I hope to see more from you in the future!
Incredible! The Spawn eyes and Banks make the face look detailed and real. My one suggestion might be exploding coils on the gun barrels, but It's not a biggie. Keep up the great work!
dude... awesome pictures just as good as the ones you have ecomplished from before and I like it a lot but there are some things I want to clear up like the point that you made ther tank and rocket wart. in the cannon chambers and machine turrents just seemed to give off an uncomforting feeling and I find it better if you just had the nozzle explode but that is just me, to tell the truth I have only played Gears 1 once so don't judge me the guys who posted earlier probably know more on thing than I do so enlighten me if I'm wrong. Good day and a suggestion, can you do a flood combat form or infection form or even better the grave mind. Oh and by the way, how do you build that dangling chain effect?
SHOOT THE EYES FIRST!!! Love this map dude. That swinging chain is ****ing epic! Glad to see all these map you been posting man keep it up , oh and keep giving me sneek peeks too plz!
Wow. The idea of the chain is revolutionary. Great job, though I think the backpack is a little big. Its not bad though at all. Very impressive.
This is by far your best work. Blew my mind. I'd like to keep seeing you branching out. Maybe the lambent berzerker?
Would be epic. But the tentacles would be difficult to implement. This is really amazing though! Wasn't expecting this one.
Thanks as always for the preview of this map. The pictures look amazing, but being on the map and seeing just how close this looks to the Brumak is amazing.... I've only recently got back into gears and this was the influence that got me to get back on it. Just so I could see the Brumak, and when I seen it , I was like wow! grim forged this.....
God damn it, Grim. This thing looks so amazing. I'm not sure what you could build next that would make me even happier than this, but you'll find a way to make it.
Beautiful! Love the way you used the rocks to make his skin look very locust like. The face is amazing as well! Thumbs up from me