Through its Media Center Extender functionality, the Xbox 360 acts as dumb terminal to your Windows Media Center 2005 PC or Windows Vista Premium/Ultimate. Aside from streaming video, it can also run additional programs and plugins, found in the "More Programs" heading on the Media Center main menu. Note that none of these programs are running directly on the Xbox- they are all running in some form on your PC. However, we can exploit this feature to run additional software(like web browsing) on the Xbox 360. Currently, there is no way to have mouse support using the 360 controller or media remote- however, the controller can be used as a keyboard. To add an entry to the "More Programs" listing that will show up in Media Center on your Xbox: 1. Go to the directory C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\Media Center\Media Center Programs 2. Create a new text file with the name of the program you want to run(For example Browser.txt) 3. Put the following line in your file: <application url="url_here" name="name_here" /> If you want to do web browsing on your Xbox 360, you can simply enter a URL. To open a program, enter its exact path. For example: <application url="" name="Google" /> 4. Change your file's extension from .txt to .mcl . In Media Center on your 360, go to More Programs and select the file you just made. Enjoy web browsing on your 360! Or try to see what other programs from your PC it will run.
This is for a Gaming platform, and this the Gaming section, so I figured it should go here. If anyone with the power to move it disagrees, then do so, because I think it should be here. And I did that thing to my sig just to bug Penguish
He said off topic, pertaining to is post. For example: Off topic: Safari is teh pwnage. It had nothing to do with the thread. And I run OSX anyway, so this is nothing to me...
i love you grif. EDIT: "shut up simmons!" «Last Edit: Today at 00:00:00 am by Sarge» oh and BTW HAHA "Nemi chan" [baby talk voice] "he's so cute" [/baby talk voice]
You can use it with XP but only with MC edition. Which basically no one has unless they have pirated or purchased a copy of it offline. And in my opinion Vista is fine as long as all your drivers work and you have a computer that can handle it, the functionality is much better than XP. I have a TV tuner in my computer that I run though MC and it works amazingly well, I basically have a personal PVR which can pause and rewind TV and preset recordings. The reason I feel there has been so much backlash against Vista is retailers would load it onto extremely cheap PCs and then when people get home they complain about slow down and such.
ok. nvm the last question... can you please tell me howta run like Forgehub through firefox? please haha
It seems like too much effort just to use the internet, and even when you get on you can't use your mouse! (that's what you said, right?) I'll just stick to my laptop or desktop
I also have the Wii but i never use it for browsing the web. However, I see how it could be a good idea for families to browse together, just to make sure the little kids are keeping it safe.
It doesnt matter to me much, why would you want to browse the internet on your xbox anyway? Why not a kompewtur?
Is there a way to do it off of Vista Home Premium? I can't find the folder you are talking about. :squirrel_wtf: (100th post. :squirrel_rocking