This kid gets owned. But it says he didn't break it. He does do a falcon kick... LOL at the end.
Dominique is a girls name where I come from. Every once and a while you see a guy that has a girls name, like Kelly. Or a Girl that has a guys name, like Evan Rachael Wood. As soon as I see that I thank my parents for giving me a mans name and sparing me the ridicule from my peers :0)
Because at the end of the video it says he didn't even break it. Oh well, nice "almost" break I guess.
Dang, he twisted the foot a lot that was crazy and if you think it is crazy then, you must be awesome like me because I am so awesome and that was crazy awesome.
He did not lean foward i used to rollerblade on bigger ramps like this(diferent than skateboarding same physics).
i swear i laughed out loud at the end. i hardly ever laugh literally out loud from thing on the internet unless ...well its super funny. great stuff. it sure did look like he broke it