M'kay, well I updated the map a little. The snipers are moved (again) to a slightly less visible location; there are no fusion coils at the top of the Asymmetric base; fixing the objective items. I'm not sure how the map works yet for gametypes like Conquest or Land Grab. Infection hasn't been done either, but I don't think anyone's complaining. One game of Conquest didn't really help me revise the map.
Sorry for the slight necro-post, but I really wanted to see this map - too bad you posted it while I was away. One thing I must say is this: 50 downloads? This map deserves a feature, not 50 downloads! What is this? I'm glad I helped you with your bridge layering thing, I bet it makes your floor silky smooth, and I'm also thankful we live in different time zones so that you couldn't bug me to help you at a decent hour - yay for my laziness! I'm glad you included the asymmetrical wall, also, that's what made the map for me. I'll be reviewing this for the Review Hub, look forward to it.
DOWNLOAD this map now. its underrated and very very fun no map has acomplished what this map has done expertly. Definitely my vote for one of the most underrated maps.
This looks really well merged and has a good layout. I am still a bit confused on how everything fits together but it does seem to flow well. The man holes were a great idea and I like how the flag return area is surrounded by fusion coils. There are however a lot of powerweapons which could be unbalanced though you said some spawn only in one sided games. Good job. 9.5/10
i dont think im necro-posting but whatever. when i saw that he had a map i just had to check it out. i guess i never saw it because i rarely go into the map section. i never knew that you mad a map and it actually looks pretty good. i like all the pics that you included and it gives me a good idea of how in plays and i bet it is really fun. nice job on the map nemi. by the way im sorry if im necro-posting. but i dont think i am. lol Iv0rY: no, you're fine.
you have the honor of having this post in my last couple before 1000 pots looks pretty goo, i have been waiting for a map from you at first it seemed really small but to see theres two lower floors is amazing, overall it looks neat and fun gd job