Well, like it's said, the Sentinel beams are really powerful, so the respawn time is 90 seconds. It also only appears in symmetrical games, where the two weapons usually cancel each other out. The map is three levels tall. If you count the bridge, then it's four.
Great map Nemi. I'm glad that you have finally put out the map I was sad how easy it was to escape Gesuido. And why is everyone surprised that you relished a map? Next I don't think the map looks sloppy at all. This map looks just as great as Draw the Line's new map and what I seen of Neverless and Tender Bisquit's new map. Last the interlocking is supreme. I don't think every little thing needs to be interlocked. Other my disagree, but those people probably never built a proper map in Forge.Why people complain about interlocking? I don't know because I'm sure that everyone here is guilty of no interlocking there whole map. Over all hope the map down loads works out well unlike Gesuido.
Sweet, I've been waiting to see a map from you ever since I joined. Those 20 odd days felt like eons dying for a map from Nemi. Salvation at last. Anyway, this is a really good concept for a map. The tankers and forklifts are a good addition to the aesthetics and they serve as cover and as potential danger. Good idea there. I can't really understand what the bases are like, so I'll have to DL and see. It might look a wittle wittle bit slops, but no care do I. Nice map, my speculative rating is 4/5. Oh, I almost forgot... There we go.
Nice picture. Tusk, I updated Gesuido a while back so it had more walls. Still, I look back at it, and wondered, 'How could I even think about releasing this piece of crap?' The spawns and weapon placements were horrible.
yay! i played on this once! sentinel beams ftw! lol seriously, this map packs fun at every turn. Hope to see more from you nemi.
Seriously Im astonished lol. Never seen you post a map, though Gesuido was good. Nemi it looks awesome. The manholes are a nice touch IMO, as well as the tankers, like brute said. The sentinel beam sounds deadly though Great job Nemi!!! WOOT!! lol
Looks sweet, extensive interlocking is obvious. I like the idea of more physical, unmoving things spawning in different gametypes, I have never tried that technique before. It must be a blast, great job.
Again, the Sentinel Beams were so powerful that I had to increase their spawn times. An 'oh-so subtle' way to bump, lol The thing I said about interlocking was typed before I lowered the bridges down a layer. So, their's your explanation.
Alright here's my review after giving it a playthrough... I like the layout, it's pretty unique, but I think it'd be more interesting and that it might play better if there was more than one way to the enemy's base. Well I guess you do have the manholes, which kick ass by the way. Those seriously look so good and are a great forging feat. The clever weapon spawns are a nice touch to the map too. This map seems like it'd be really fun for a 5 on 5 or something like that. I'm eager to get a party together. Great map, great forging. 5/5 from me.
There are three ways into each base, and six in asymmetrical. It is then further choked down into 2 entry points into the objective room, or 4 in asymmetrical. In symmetric, it's simple to grenade spam anyone camping in the objectives room with a mauler. In asymmetric, there are a wide range of weapons to deal with pesky flamethrower campers.
Overall great work on the map Nemi. One of the best things about the map is the two holes on either side that take you to the powerup/mauler. There was obviously a lot of time and work put into perfecting, and it serves as a great alternate route into the bases. I also love the way you connected the bases in asymmetrical games, its a great place to put the flag/bomb. I really like this map, I don't really ever keep any good objective maps but this one is going to stay on my HDD. All your hard work payed of Nemi, hope to see more maps from you. =D
For the manholes, it was necessary to interlock those fence walls into it so people couldn't camp in there and assassinate anyone falling through. It was also because I was originally planning to put a sword instead of a flamethrower, so that would have been uber-camp. Luckily, I changed my mind. A flamethrower is ideal because it slows the player down but it's also short ranged and powerful in close quarters. It is countered by overshields, rockets, or fuel rods.
Ah, I gotcha now. Man you really thought that weapon set out. Thank you for eliminating uber-camp as well, gotta hate that.
Nemi, I think the map is original. My first opinion of the map was eh, but then I saw the chute to the basement and it was like TRANSFORMERS, MORE THEN MEETS THE EYES!
wait...nemihara...the Nemi-frickn-hara....posted a map....this i've got to see!!!! btw, as if you didn't have enough places to post, now you've got your very own, personal map thread! tuhdah! Downloading now, i have to see this...
For anyone that has actually played this map, are you guys having problems with too many snipers in symmetric games? I probably need to make the respawn for them a little higher.