Brink- Discussion thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Shihuru, Feb 11, 2010.

  1. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    Have you heard the devs talk about the game at all? The amount of enthusiasm and genuine care for the game they're talking about is rare in the industry today. Not to mention that they delayed the game for almost an extra year for some extra polish. Counting that, the games been in development since, I believe, 2008? Maybe a little more.

    Originality doesn't make the game. Look at Mirrors Edge. It was original, but severely flawed (though by no means a bad game.) Implementing ideas from other games or media and putting it into your game while making it better can pay off well and has payed off well in the past.

    Your points regarding what games have what covered is strictly your opinion and shouldn't be used as the basis for your argument. I don't like Team Fortress 2 at all, nor do I think Call of Duty as the dominant twitch shooter on the market today (Counter Strike definitely holds that title.) As far as what you said on gunplay, that's also subjective.

    Speaking of gunplay, all the gameplay I've seen shows that the game is much more focused on objective and team play than the killing. Hell, the developers even outright stated that getting kills net you much less experience than planting a bomb or capturing a command post would do, and comparing it to a twitch shooter? Hardly a chance. Have you seen any actual gameplay showcasing how long it takes to kill someone? The game looks to play out more like an arena shooter or at least draws inspirations from them based off the movement and the team behind it.

    The amount of positive design choices I've seen so far look very promising and I don't doubt that Splash Damage knows what they want to do with this game. Judging by your opinions earlier, you probably won't be too interested (and that's totally fine) because the focus of this game is around objective play and teamwork and not killing people. It may not break records or be considered the best game of all time, but I'm sure it'll be at the very least enjoyable to to play for people that like what it has to offer.
  2. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Have you ever listened to Peter Molyneux? Enthusiasm doesn't make a game good. Also, Daikatana. That game was delayed for four years and is heralded as one of the worst games ever.

    Portal is a great counterpoint to that. Originality can make a game. I'm making the point that Brink is a trend follower rather than a setter. Again, it is probably the result of a publishing committee looking at the lucrative sales of FPS games and wanting to enter that market. Doesn't mean it's a bad game.

    Call of Duty is the king of console FPS. While it's subjective, if we look at the top FPS of all time, they have solid aim mechanics that don't get in the way of the player.

    This is personal philosophy I've had when designing my own maps. Even in objective gametypes, slayer should play well. That's the main interaction players have with each other and when it becomes a numbers game rather than something more skill based it turns players like me off. I don't want the game to mechanically limit my abilities. It shouldn't get in the way.

    As for gameplay videos. I wouldn't take that too much to heart. It looks interesting, but is in no way an accurate portrayal of how online play will actually turn out.

    Then ****s the point in it being an FPS? Obviously that's hyperbole, but you get the idea...
  3. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Yes it has released today! Sadly, I blew my last paycheck and now I cant afford to buy the game today. I'll have to wait until later this week when I get payed. So friday i should have it.

    When I start playing Im going to playing as the Security. Anyone wants to form a team and play together?

    Gamertag: Shihuru

    (First forgehub post it like, months!!)
  4. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    It's not out here yet, won't be till friday.

    I've pretty much decided my character, Light Operative, rebellion.
  5. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    I've been playing the campaign for about an hour or two now, its pretty damn beast. I am a bit skeptical about how many aspects work when they are introduced to multiplayer. This mainly applies to the death system: you get shot a ton and you will be incapacitated. You can look around for a long time (don't know if it is an unlimited amount of time) and either wait to respawn (after you wait for a certain amount of time) or you can wait for a medic to pass you a syringe which you can use to pick yourself back up at any time you wish. If you take enough damage while downed, you will not be able to get back up.

    There are a few other things, but I am wondering if they are good or bad for gameplay.
  6. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    I just have been too poor to buy it. I really want to play it :(
  7. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    Pretty fun so far, but I need to get some more online play in first.
  8. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    I know how you feel bloo jay. I have but only $3.64 in my bank account *sadface*
  9. Spawn of Saltine

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    I've beaten the rebel campaign...and honestly I'm disappointed. This game had such a cool concept with the artwork, classes, and SMART move thingy. It all got blown to **** when I found out that you just replay the campaign online. The campaign, while not repetitive in itself, makes you feel like you are accomplishing the same task over and over again. Both opposing sides have the same campaign just switched between DEF/ OFF.

    If you compare it to something else then we've got Halo: Reach Invasion. Every campaign mission has a set of objectives which ends up playing very much like Invasion. The only cool things I've taken note of are the incredible array of customization and SMART move thingy.

    Don't waste your money on it. Rent it and be happy.
  10. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    While not disappointed, I expected more out of the customization.

    As for repetitiveness, I've played both campaigns with both AI and friends, and a little bit of online free play. While the free play was abundant with lag, campaign with 2 of my friends was insanely fun.

    The challenges add a good bit of gameplay too. Racing around in parkour or playing Tower Defense...

    It's not going to take over my games in terms of multiplayer, Halo still holds the reigns, but it's something I'm glad I'm going to be able to come back to every now and again when things quieten down. If you're looking for a game you'll turn on for hours each day, you'll be disappointed.

    Edited by merge:

    First piece of Brink DLC coming in June, and it will be free.

    Adding maps and player content.
    #50 Neoshadow, May 15, 2011
    Last edited: May 15, 2011
  11. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    Exactly my thoughts, I bought this with high hopes, at best the game is okay. I sold it on Amazon. It a decent game for renting, but thats about it. All the hype was ill-placed unfortunately and while there are many great ideas ( such as SMART, body types, the art and customization) the gameplay is lacking and often boring or just repetitive. and not repetitive in the good sense, such as loving a certain level in whatever game so much you just keep playing it, but more in the sense that I played one game and felt like I didnt even really play a game. more like a chore. Thats just my opinion anyway.
  12. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    Now that I've played it some more, I still believe it's a solid game, but it needed some playtesting from people outside of Splash Damage. Then there probably wouldn't be as many lag issues, and the gameplay itself might have a bit more depth. For instance, the decision to turn off Public voice chat by default is just poor judgment that might have been avoided with some outside opinions.

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