WHO CARES ABOUT CHARACTER CUSTOMIZATION? wtf guys? it doesnt matter. i might spend 10 mins on my character, than have fun running around and shooting people. and i hope that there is a button, like LB, that toggles free running set up, where you run faster/parkour but can only melee or something.
I care about character customization. Like I said before, all a game needs to get me to buy is great custmization. I'd buy any game that allows me to customize something, weapons, characters, gear, you name it, I'll buy it... but of course the game it self needs to be good as well...
the only thing i think about when buying a game is the multiplayer, because that is the only thing that will entertain me in the long run. and trust me, when your only source of money is 3$ a week and you ruin lacrosse sticks as often as i do, than the long run is all that matters when buying a game. which is why BFBC2 will be my next purchase. and probably not brink. i can imagine a ridiculously fun campaign, but not going to entertain me for the months that i spend on a game.
I think this game would have a pretty awesome multiplayer, one that most people would be playing for a long time. The fact that just the campaign can be a mulitplayer experience is fantastic and we haven't even talked about the game's Versus mode!
im not too sure though. this game will either come across as revolutionary or gimmicky, depending on how much work they put into the new features.
How can you not be the least interested in this game? I think its very innovative, and so far im liking everything im seeing in this game right now. Whens the last time you play a cooperative RPG FPS? The ability to customize you character, play online with some friends, accept real-time objectives/quests in regards to you class and situation, gain exp and levels, spend exp on more customizable stuff, play versus mode against 8 other players... Its just sounding way too good for me to lose interest, and i want to see more footage and info about this game...
im interested, and i think that their studio is creating great publicity. but im going to either play it or hear great reviews about it before i think about buying it. right now, it is showing that you can do cool stuff. but, how the free running will interact with the FPS/rpg elements is what im worried about. so, who is publishing it?
Bethesda is publishing this game. So your afraid that the Freerunning type of stuff wont work with the games RPG/FPS elements? I mean, we haven't really discovered everything else about SMART. All we know as of now is that we can vault over things and slide.
mainly flow issues. and just smoothly implementing the multiplayer with the RPGness of it is quite a task. im just glad activision or EA isnt publishing it.
You know, I never understood what a publisher for video games does. I know a developer is someone who is creating the game, but what exactly does a publisher do? Do they help with the creation of the game?
sort of like what a book publisher does. they make it available to the public, with advertisements and selling it to stores, etc. they also help in the development process, because they want a good reputation.
Well yeah, I knew they "publish" publish, but I fugured should do more than just that. Like advertising, marketing, manufacturing, etc... Check this out: GameRadar Hands-on Preview
Well i know this topic was kinda dead for a while but thought i may aswell revive it now that release dates are known etc. May 10th in the US May 13th in the EU and rest of world
A publisher is basically like a producer for the film industry. They 'head' the project from the business end of things. In many cases, developers don't have the capital to fund their projects so they look to publishers for financial support. Often times successful ip's will be bought by the publisher to become a franchise. Or the publisher may purchase the studio itself. Brink is likely the result of the publishing committee looking at the fps market and wanting a piece of the action. I, personally, am against this line of thinking. It doesn't allow for innovative games to really push through the AAA industry. Brink is the conglomeration of the recent rising trend in the fps market, class based twitch shooters. Everything in Brink has already been done before and I speculate much better, with the exception of player customization, but that has no bearing on actual game play. Team Fortress 2 is a better class based warfare game and the stylization in the game sets it apart from many other fpses. CoD already has the twitch shooter market locked down and for the most part they do have the best gun play, second to Halo imo, in the market. Will Brink tear down the CoD pedastool? Unlikely, it doesn't look like it will offer a much different experience from all the other shooters out there. Sure, the parkour element will mix things up a bit, but from studying game play they've shown, it's far better to shoot the person outright than to perform a series of acrobatic moves. It's faster and more efficient to shoot them. I will say that I can imagine scenarios where it may be beneficial to perform a series of moves to 'catch' up to an opponent or out maneuver them, but that depends on the level design and gametype, so the need for parkour will be rare. Oh yeah, **** player customization. (Not being serious, but people don't need to needlessly drool over something that's an aesthetic add on that they can't even see in game.)
I heard about that, utterly psyched that it's been pushed back a week. The thread over at MLG has a wealth of information available, once they update the OP and organise it properly I'll nab what seems necessary and dump it over here. In the meantime, this and this are both good sources of info.
Not sure how I missed this thread before; I was thinking of starting one myself. Also, your second link doesn't seem to work, Peg. Anyway, what are you guys choosing for your pre-order package?
I really dislike the whole preorder bonus where different retailers get different bonuses. It's just extra content that the majority of people won't get to play for free, and it even screws over the ones who do actually preorder. Also, this game got moved up one week, releasing on May 7th I think now. Probably to avoid competition with L.A. Noire.
It's the 10th, actually. I don't mind the bonuses because they obviously aren't unfair in any way, they just add a little more customization. I'd love to get all of them somehow, though.