It would neat to see driver specific vehicle abilities similar to armor abilities. I'm specifically referring to vehicles like the warthog or mongoose where the driver has no offensive capabilities. The covenant vehicles all had a boost function it where human vehicles aren't balanced in that regard. The ghost and revenant even a function that gives them a little boost to their anti-gravitation as well to coast over bumpy objects like rocks. I'm thinking that a warthog or mongoose could be given a defensive ability like an emp burst or smoke screen.
I demand wheelie functionality. Might be interesting to see a Covie vehicle that had a giant Jackal shield in the front, to be used as a ram w/ boost (also to defend the driver + people behind shield). Or else a Covie vehicle that had Active Camo, except without sucking (would remain active while moving). And how about a Mongoose-sized vehicle that had a single, slow firing rocket? Or a bomber? A Warthog that lays mines (that do not get activated by the player or his team)?
I would like to see the chopper make a return, im not much of a vehicle guy but i did used to like that. I dont understand everyone who wants a Scarab or Pelican in forgeworld. A playable Scarab just would not work at all. A Pelican just seems a bit pointless also.
How bout a UNSC aircraft that could have the ability to carry vehicles? Not the pelican, something smaller like a falcon. For the Covenant, how bout a mid-air vehicle, slightly floating higher than a ghost and have a shield in the driver's seat like that HALO 2 super sentinels. Or BRING BACK THE CHOPPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would be pretty excited to see the chopper return. Also, I would like to see a "passenger" falcon and/or hornets return
Pelicans. Do you know how awesome it would be to drop into an invasion map from a pelican? Also, boats. Hello? There are no boats in Halo. Never seen one. EVER. Maybe a gauss turret ship.
More like 10 000 vs. 10 000 lobbies if you guys want super-carriers. Thinking reasonably: The fuel rod shade turret or the mortar turret from H3, ya know, the one a bunch of people modded into customs maps on avalanche?
lol. I don't think Reach's population is enough to fill a lobby like that, unless 343 does something good to the game.
We need the Hornet back. It didnt get enough screen time. One level? Come oooooooonnn.... Also, the prophets hovering chair from H2.
Hornet back, or at least some human equivalent to the banshee.... some type of single seater fighter would be cool. a mini sabre for in atmosphere?
Brings me back to fond memories of playing Tribes 2. Tribes 2 has armor classes, so there would be one light armor piloting the APC which was basically a floating platform and he'd have 3 heavy armors on back with mortars just bombing away at the enemy base. It was so epic to watch. I personally would love it if we had vehicles that weren't driveable... like a dropship or elephant to use as starting spawn areas. I do miss the hornets. I had a lot of fun flying those around in Halo 3... mainly because the pilot was able to get kills as well.