MLG Bridges

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by II Sh0 Time II, Oct 17, 2011.

  1. II Sh0 Time II

    II Sh0 Time II Forerunner
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    Bridges 1.1

    MLG Bridges

    UPDATE V 1.1

    -Fixed Soft kill zone issues in the tunnels - 10/19/11​

    MLG Bridges was originally created for CTF game-types only. However, I decided to add more game-types to boost the fun factor for everybody. MLG Bridges is a nice symmetrical map that does not contain a whole lot of cover so be smart on your choices during game. My opinion is that the cover I have used is perfect because it will continue to keep the thrill and excitement in every game. Hope you all have fun and please leave any kind of feedback thanks.


    Why the name MLG Bridges?
    I chose the name MLG Bridges because the map is connecting Montana and Alaska with two bridges. After looking at the final layout I decide to adopt MLGs weapon playlist because it is guaranteed that the battles will be more intense with the good sight lines in the map.

    What is your favorite game-type on MLG Bridges?
    My favorite Game-type would have to be MLG CTF. Because trying to get the flag to the other side with low amount of cover is exhilarating.

    Was this map inspired by other maps?
    Absolutely not! I have always wanted to create the perfect bridge map since Reach released but did not know where to begin. After creating several maps I started getting use to forge and in my opinion started creating better maps each and every time I forged. So after many creations I finally took steps forward and started to create MLG Bridges.

    Weapon list:
    DMR – 6
    Needle rifle – 2
    Plasma pistol – 2
    Pistol – 2
    Rockets – 1
    Frags – 6
    Plasma – 6

    Special abilities and health packs:
    Evade – 2
    Health packs – 2




    Blue storage and blue mid

    Yellow bridge and orange tunnel

    Purple tunnel


    Blue mid and blue evade

    Front of red spawn

    Top view

    Green two (Blue side entrance to green room)

    Green one (Red side entrance to green room)


    Looking out left side of red base

    Looking out right side of red base

    Sightlines - From red base through green room all the way to blue base

    Rockets in green room





    #1 II Sh0 Time II, Oct 17, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2011
  2. my name is Byf

    my name is Byf Forerunner

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    Overall the aesthetic feel of the map feels amazing due to the varied use of pieces. You show some good forging skills by breaking up the 4x4 textures at the end of each bridge segments back wall with a platform XL.

    Things i would think would be quite odd to be seen in an MLG map are a lack of sniper rifles. I can understand shotguns, swords etc but why not replace the rockets with a grenade launcher and then add snipers symmetrically. obviously i have no clue what your budget is but if theres $40 left over spend it on that and replace the rockets. this will feel more appropriate to an MLG game type.

    The interiors around the bases are splendid, particularly in their use of unusual angles and elevations. It sets it apart and make the map stand out in memory but fit in with all the elements in place.

    Overall it may detract from the overall map but the weapons ultimately dont matter. this map is incredible and i gave it a download. Well done.
  3. JDiggin

    JDiggin Forerunner
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    I agree that the map is incredible.

    I don't think this map needs any snipers though, there are only two official MLG maps without snipers (Android and Element), so it would be nice to have a few more without them. The sight lines in this map are clear across into each base, so a good sniper could dominate on this map. It will be a lot more fun for everyone if there are no snipers.

    I love the green room, especially the die in the floor to represent call-outs green 1 and green 2 (you can see green 1 in the 5th picture).

    Great job on this map!
  4. Stopex

    Stopex Forerunner
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    Good map idea, but understand MLG does not like it when; You can see other players through glass; Hit you head when jumping (Tunnel area); Have colored ground that cannot be changed (Stunt ramps); 45 Degree angled ramps.

    Sorry if im a Debby-Downer...
  5. II Sh0 Time II

    II Sh0 Time II Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thank you for the kind words I really appreciate it. I am glad to have impressed you. I decided to put the rockets in the map because I figured that snipers would be dominant with the open layout. I originally had the grenade launcher in the middle instead of the rockets but after playing a few games I decided I needed something more powerful and figured that the rockets would be perfect. CTF is a blast on here if you want to play sometime feel free and add me as a friend and we can get some games running. Tag - II Sh0 Time II

    Edited by merge:

    Thanks man. I thought the dice would be great for call outs. That’s one of my favorite things I did on this map. It makes team play a little better. Say you are entering the green room from green one and you see a guy entering from green two instead of calling out green room call out the number. Green one is closes to red spawn and green two is closes to blue spawn so if you and your teammates know the map then shout out the number and they could hop on that bridge and assist you with the kill.

    It's totally cool man thanks for your feedback.

    I call it MLG Bridges because I adopted the weapon layout of MLG. It plays so much better with this layout rather than the boring classic weapon choices.
    #5 II Sh0 Time II, Oct 18, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2011
  6. Naughty Badger

    Naughty Badger Forerunner
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    Not trying to dis your map but most MLG maps have just 1 Sniper or 1 Evade or both. I think that for MLG you went overboard on power weapons and a little on weapons in general. From my experience, MLG maps usually have this:
    2x DMR
    2x Needle Rifle
    2x Plasma Pistol
    4x Frag
    4x Plasma
    1x Evade/Sniper Rifle
  7. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Not trying to dis your post, but it's completely untrue. Look at Pit, Narrows, Asylum, Zealot. Maps don't have a certain set they have to stick to. Whatever works, works.
  8. II Sh0 Time II

    II Sh0 Time II Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for your feedback. However, I disagree.

    Edited by merge:

    Thanks for clarifying this. I totally agree that if it works for the map then it works. Changing out rockets would not be smart and adding a sniper or snipers would be too controlling. MLG Bridges has an open layout therefore DMRs work the best and with the rockets in the middle and being the only “power weapon” it gives a great competitive feel as each team realizes they have to go for the only power weapon in the game to get the upper hand.
    #8 II Sh0 Time II, Oct 19, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2011

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