I was wondering what everyone thinks of bridges. I mean should they be placed upside down or right side up? I was looking into building my own MLG (don't hate me please) map and was looking at some others. All the ones on Forgehub sport those nice-looking, smooth-feeling upside down bridges. Upside down bridges are clearly used more than regular ones on any type of map. They make walking smoother so who wouldn't? But here's the thing... I was looking at the maps actually used by MLG and to my surprise, Onslaught (I don't remember Amplified because no one likes it) uses right side up bridges! I completely taken off guard by this change and I wondered how I had never noticed before. So that being the case, it seems that if used correctly, bridges can be placed either way and the map will still flow fine. Is it more of an aesthetic feature or a playability feature? What's your opinion?
i guess they do make it a little bit smoother, but some people like teh view from the top of the bridge if you interlock both sides in, so your left with the striped middle showing. its all opinion
Interlocked Bridges I interlocked bridges to create a circular platform in my map: Chalice. I think the underside of the bridges looks a little cooler when merged, but the top part of the bridge adds more color to your map.
So many maps use upside down bridges that it is actually more origonal to have them right side up. Onslaught has some high up bridges so it would be ugly to see the yellow right side up part hanging down over the map. P.S. I love Amplified. It took more skill to make than Onslaught and has better geogltching. The gameplay in slayer is better and my friend helped finish and test it. He is on the MLG pro forge team.
That's a really good take on it... the whole high-up, right side up deal... I'll take that into account when I build my map. Do you guys think would be OK to use both sides of the bridge as long as they aren't right next to each other? I mean it would be kind of strange to be walking on an upside down bridge which turns into a right side up bridge for a ramp... If I use right side up bridges on one side, maybe no one will notice if I switch to upside down bridges on the other P.S. I don't actually hate Amplified, my friends love to play on it during customs so I kind of get stuck playing it a lot. It just doesn't have to same flair as some of the other MLG maps do for me. I will admit it is more complexly (lol that's a word) forged than all the others which makes sort of neat.
I LOVE BRIDGES!!!!!! They the most useful object in making a tilted map. I think they are underrated...
yes it would be more original to have them right side up, but the fact that we use upside down boxes is so that we can have solid color, not mixed silver yellow orang in the mix, if you want solid color, use it upside down, if you want something in particular, use it how you want it to, and maps arent so harshly judge by if the bridges are flipped, as boxes are judged. make sure it fits the situation, though, or you will be eaten for it.
ooh wait i think i misunderstood the purpose of this thread. Bridges are the best object there is when it comes to smooth construction, as well as smooth interlocking and smooth geo-merging. As part of the map, they are still great. They can stretch as a roof further than a double box or any other object for that matter, and they look aesthetically good up or down. Personally, I like the blank part when used as a wall, the striped as a floor to add color to the map, and blank for ceiling.
Upside of bridges ARE smoother when interlocking on a straight line, (see Troika). Upside down bridges are smoother when interlocked on a curve, though, the bumps don't effect gameplay at all.
in my opinion upside down is better, people seem to prefer it and its true walking is smotther, yes some mlg maps have it rigght side up but i think you should put it right side up, try it in a couple of games abd if it feels bad change it
you should only put bridges upside down when they make a plat form or something. but when they are just used as a singular path like on onslaught or amp they should be right side up. allow me to demonstrate using the magic of pictures. using upside down bridges properly proper use of right side up bridges. if you notice on onslaught, no right side up bridge is touching another right side up bridge on its long side.
OK so my question has been thoroughly answered, Thanks guys I don't know if the mods want to keep this thread open for further discussion or not, it's up to them (although I think some people could rant all day on the proper use of bridges)