Remake Bridge Room

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by SEspider, Apr 13, 2011.

  1. SEspider

    SEspider Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Bridge Room

    Created by SEspider

    Please Note. I DID add a link to the preview image and set the player count but it didn't go through. No clue why. Here it is again:
    Min Players: 4
    Max Players: 16

    Map Description
    I posted this earlier, but it never went through. So here's take 3.
    A re-creation of a room from Halo: CE's campaign map Halo. Changes made for Multiplayer. The central light bridge is now always active. Even during Invasion. But that may change. The control panel platform has been extended into a bridge to the other side. The empty opposite wall now holds a walkway. It's the focal point of Neutral Flag, Invasion, & Infection.

    Weapons (Both sides)
    Niddler Rifle
    Sniper Rifle
    Plasma Grenades

    Power Weapons
    Spartan Laser

    Vehicles (Team Only)

    Vehicles (Invasion Only)

    Purple FX removed for screenshots

    First FFA Test


    This map is still largely untested. Spawning may still be an issue. I've made changes after the initial FFA test to counter them. Mostly moing the spawns and adding more cover. I would like to keep the look and feel of the map as close to the CE version as possible but I understand if additions are needed. Currently, I'm more worried about Infection then anything else. I see a camping issue. Not sure how to fix it
    A BIG Thank You to NartFOpc and his friends for the brief FFA test. It helped a lot
    #1 SEspider, Apr 13, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2011
  2. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    Oh dang bro, I was JUST about to make this remake. I was litterally playing HALO 1 yesterday and began to work on it today. Good job. Looks great. I was going to do energy bridge differently than how you did yours but it looks fine. Also nice idea with placing the spartan lazer. Nice.
  3. SEspider

    SEspider Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    LOL! Thanks, Bud.

    I've not played Halo1 in a LONG Time so I had to make it off my memory. I'm re-making another halo CE map off mempry as well. It's used up all my Forge resources though. May have to turn it into two maps. One for Invasion and one for everything else. Send me a FR and I'll show it to. You can let me know where I'm off seeing as how I no longer have Halo CE. ;)

    The light bridge woriginally caused players to bounce around so they avoided it. I've easily fixed that issue. It's caused another but it so minor, I doubt many will notice it. With the cover, you'd think placing spawns would be simple. Turned out not to be the case. Issue arise during FFA the most. the tall structures at the bridge don't match the original, I know. they were a pain to make correct so I said screwed it. i left their tops open so jet-packers can't camp there without worry of getting a sticky on their butts and feet from below. ^_^

    Needless to say it but I will. I LOVE the GRID!!! It helped a TON on this map. even had to use it for the roof since I ran out of walls and blocks. As soon as the map opened in the FFA test, two players recognized it. That made me very happy. Until issues started to show up that is. lol
    #3 SEspider, Apr 13, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2011
  4. MiCh4eLAnGeLo

    MiCh4eLAnGeLo Forerunner

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    Great idea. I never thought of making this a map

    P.S. can the jetpack make it over the gap to the other side?
  5. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    Haha, sorry I would but for some reason my messaging system on my xbox is screwed, I can't sends messages to anyone, which include FR. But about the map, I try to review the Halo 1 level before Monday and I'll see what I can do.
    #5 SquidMan33, Apr 14, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2011
  6. SEspider

    SEspider Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks and sorry to hear about your Xbox Live issue. I have something simular. You know how when you Avoid a player (cheater, betrayer, quiter, etc)? And how once you do, the Frown icon dims so you can't do it again to the same person? Well, mine doesn't. Mine don't even go through!

    As for the Jetpack issue, it can. But you've got to manage it as you do it. The sniper in the screenshots kept missing his mark (never juped before starting it) so he started camping on the structure instead. I didn't want the map to be too easy for Jet-packers. They already have a number of advantages the other players don't.

    I just relaized something. By "gap" I assumed you were talking about to the far wall's walkway. But if you're talking about the gap between bases, then yes. It's easy to cross with the jetpack. But go too far below the floor/bridge and you die.
    #6 SEspider, Apr 14, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2011
  7. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    Oh that sucks dude. Anyway, the map definitely looks better darker. Because If you remember, the level itself was supper dark. I like the idea to add some covenant barricades and shields. To reinforce the idea the the covenant invaded.
    Can you explain how you set up invasion for this map. Because the map definitely has great potienal to be JUST an invasion map. If you ever were to make a remake.
  8. MiCh4eLAnGeLo

    MiCh4eLAnGeLo Forerunner

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    The only reason i asked about the jet packs is because i think there needs to be a more ways to get to the other side. but thats what i think.
  9. SEspider

    SEspider Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    No problem. I tried to keep it simple. Having ketpacks not appear until after T1 helped me here. lol. The light bridge and the control panel bridge that connect the two halves, both host the first objectives as well as large one way gates. The Paths on each side that lead to the walkway hosting the Core and Laser also have large gates. This keeps players away from the camping up there. How ever, these two gates don't deactivated until you've reached T3. The T2 objectives are on Red teams side. One at their CTF spot ( near the ramp to the Control Panel bridge ). and the other across the bridge divider at the First aid Kit. The Core spawns infront of the spartan Laser for T3. Elites only need to walk it down to their side. Sadly for them, the path is narrow, long and straight. It's the worst kind of chock point possible. To reach their objective, they must also get the laser and have someone on their sniper rifle watching their backs.

    Did any of that makes sence/ I can provide pics if needed.

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