I've noticed that in some forge maps, people have blocked off the side rooms in Foundry with sideways bridges. I have given up using windows because they are too frustrating and I want to try this out, can anyone tell me how to geolock the bridge like that? Look in the red circle if you don't get what i'm saying!
Did you check the forging 101 tips, you can also get it in there without geomerging just get in there in a certain angle and you get block it.
I did look, I found nothing. It would look better straight up, not at an angle, and the bridge does not fit lengthwise.
its easy bro, If you try it, with no interlocking or anything, you shoudl easily be ableto get it in. Lie it flat, then tilt the hell out of it until you get it.
i have geomerged a double wall in there in my map(due for release soon) but its difficult and mine still turned out a little wonky
ok, so you did geomerge, but how? If it does not take away too much of your time, can you give a very basic tutorial for it? if not, thats all right
What you need to do is turn it so that the short end is in the room and then rotate it until it is completely into the room and then pull it back. Save and quit works better to get it to stay up right. See! No Geo-mergin' required! Hope I helped