This is my latest 4v4 project, set on the tide pool area between the island and the cave. It is inspired loosely by both countdown and snowbound as you may discern from the pics: Any feedback is appreciated. If you're interested in testing the map, leave your gt as usual. Thanks for viewing!
Now this looks impressive, I am loving the texture around this, and also the great mixture of closed doors and open doors to the fresh air. Plenty of color and room to roam while giving a smooth feel. I am loving this. All the advice I can give you is to (if you can that is) possibly find another replacement for the wall coliseums. It really does not flow for me. Other than that this is something I want to test out. Hit me up man, your work has improved greatly. GT:SugarJTSAids
I rather like the looks of this. The open-air/semi-enclosed feel looks nice, and actually reminds me a bit of Lockout. I can certainly see the Countdown inspiration, although I don't really see the inspiration from Snowbound. I admit that I wish this ma was asymmetrical, but still this looks good. You seem to once again be improving your forging with this one. You'll have to get me in some games on here, as I never really got to play Depot much at all.
I played on this last night ....... Sniper Rifle can't do it on that map . Its to small for holding a Sniper .
Thanks everyone for the encouragement! @ Sugar, I will add/invite you soon. I agree with you on the coliseum walls but unfortunately I haven't figured out anything to replace them with just yet. They're needed to cover some pieces that just out above, and some of those pieces can't easily be replaced by pieces that don't jut out. They're also not really visible or noticeable in game at all. If you have specific suggestions for replacement I'd appreciate it. i will keep looking into it though! @ Psychoduck, Thank you sir, I hope to get you in on some games as well. The snowbound influence is really slight actually, it's just the bottom floor/cave structure that I got inspired by but it's been changed a bit so I guess it's barely worth mentioning. @ Elite Warrior5, I'm glad you like the name. I was thinking of changing it and am open to other name suggestions, but there's one more vote for keeping it, thanks. @ Frenchy's, I have to disagree about the sniper, I think it is underpowered but there are several lines of sight that are long enough (especially top mid) to be worth the inclusion. Thanks for your help testing the other night.
I certainly like the name as I feel it fits the map rather well. The colliseum walls also work perfectly fine, as they sort of create structure for the map from a distanc, but will hardly be seen in game.
Wow, this map looks very impressive. The layout looks interesting, and you can see the influence in some areas despite it looking unique. If you need testers, then I'll help wherever I can. If not, I look forward to this map being released.
You've already got my feedback for this but just dropping a line to say that this plays aswell as it looks and i'm guessing you're testing it tonight? Looking forward to it, anyone who wants to play on this should sign up the last spot on the tgn tonight.
I'm noticing this is assym, which is good. I like your inclusion of water, as it adds a nice touch of natural enviornment to the map. I wouldn't worry so much about the coliseum walls. They don't look that bad, IMO. How much budget do you have left? I was thinking, if you had any leftover budget, you could add in a few more aesthetic touches. Send me a FR or something, so we can play on it or I can check it out. GT: Im Number Eight
I'll be messaging or friending you guys shortly. As OhKnarly mentioned, I will likely be running breezeway tonight at tgn for those who are joining us. For the rest I will invite you next time I am testing it. @ Eightball, I would like to do a little more detail work but unless I change the layout up and close off some sightlines, I'd be pushing the frame rate. I think I tried to add you before but your friends list was full, hopefully now it's not. Thanks everyone for the feedback.
This name is actually really accurate for the map, like psycho said this map is enclosed, and open at the same time, I like how you colored the railings, I actually really love the atmosphere of this map.
Recently played a game of CTF on this, and I had a lot of fun. It has great flow, especially around the center area with the several tac jumps involved. They definitely picked up flag running speed, at the cost of being flanked however. Nice trade off there. The map is fairly small, and played fast, but I felt the spawning was not as tight as it should have been. There were those spawns around green and orange that were too close to the enemy objective, bordering on their half of the map... I think. The map may be too small to not include those however... Good stuff. On a side note, I don't think you need to spend any more on aesthetics. I felt it was fine as is. You got the outside area of forge world and that works plenty.
Thanks Noooooch. I am probably going to curb the respawn zones on flag and add another anti zone to the opposite sides. I know the map is a little cramped in 4v4 for flag but I think I can at least eliminate one or two wayward spawns for flag at home and away. Also, I agree with you on the aesthetics, I think I'm content with the map as is structurally. That risky flanking of top mid you mentioned was exactly what I was going for. Thanks for the feedback and for your help testing.