I need some help getting out of avalanche. More specifically, above the map. I`ve tried already, but anything I get out there deletes itself. A description would be appriciated, thanks.
Save and quit a teleporter out there. Grab a teleporter, extend as far as possible and boost your moniter into the barrier, the teleporter will appear behind. Save and quit. I beleive you can once you have a platform to build on out there just place items on top without them disapeering, they just have to be off the ground. But dont hold me on that.
I would scrap the entire idea of building a map up there. I hate to say it, but almost immediately past the soft barrier is the death barrier. You wouldn't be able to make any productive maps up there. May you could try lockout, it has an enormous amount of open area past the soft barrier.
Theres plenty of space outside the barrier. Ive seen a whole map out there. If built on the correct area you could have a map totally enclosed out there.
Thanks for the help. And Jzzkc, I`m not building a full map out there, just the spawn for a minigame.
1. you set turret down just outside barrier 2. guest gets on turret 3. you pick up turret and shove through barrier with guest on it 4. guest goes directly into forge mode 5. guest spawns teleporter 6. you go through teleporter 7. you hold a box in the air 8. guest sets teleporter on the box 9. begin forgeing Note: Objects set on the ground outside the map will self delete. You must first have an object floating in the air to begin building. There is also a death barrier outside the blocking barrier.
But what's the point of building an enclosed map up there, when you could build an enclosed map on the ground?