Break the floor break the floor is a really fun game and its a remake of a game called break the ice and if you dont know it, its a board game that you have to break the ice with a plastic hammer and thats all i remember about it and its been years since ive played break the ice. now finally i made a game just like that but this time a zombie in a chopper is under the floor and he needs to try to break the floor in order to kill the guys that are on the floor, the only way to break the floor is to ram the radio antenna it with a chopper but hiting the radio antenna is kind of tough. the radio antenna on the corners are the hardest to knock down because there is a block and a broken column and its holding the radio antenna down but you can still knock it over but if you hit it right you can knock it over with one hit. the weak spots are the middle antennas just so you know. and for the other team on the floor, they cant high jack or ride the chopper or kill the zombie but if your lucky to hit him in the back, you just need to stay alive if you fall you will get killed by the chopper, and you only have one life, and you can have up to 10 players. Ive test this map out with a few of my friends and it works pretty well and it will be even more fun with more people so Ive hope you enjoy this game. if there is something wrong with the map that i need to fix let me know please thank you enjoy LINK -
This is a really unique concept. I've never seen it before. Very nice job. If I played Halo still, I'd definitely of downloaded.
I thought it was gonna be some lame variant of Hobo Heights or something, but this is quite impressive! Looks like it'd be loads of fun with about 6 or so people. I've gotta give this a try today!
This could have alot of updates. I could see this in the Skybubble. Try letting the Chopper shoot the poles down instead or charging and letting the humans run around. I though this would of been one of those old maps. Turns out it looks awesome and fun. I give her a check. Very Nice!
Shooting the poles doesn't do much. But anyway, I tried it and it was pretty good. The only problem is that the only challenge is picking the corner that's knocked down last. Gameplay is pretty slow, although the fear of watching blocks around you crumble into the pit below makes it a little more playable. Nonetheless, it's still on my hard drive, so nice job.
Wow, this is... pretty cool. I like how you took that old concept of Hobo Heights (the one where the zombie breaks the pallets from below) and added a new spice to it. Just expect a private chat invite from me sometime tomorrow, it'll just be so I can access your file share. I haven't gotten around to linking my gamertag yet, so... yeah. Looking good! My friends and I will sure get a kick out of this one.
lol, the original game is called DONT break the ice, the pieces are wedged in and its like jenga in that you try to knock pieces out but you don't want to knock all of them out, or else you lose. that aside this game looks like it would be alot of fun
While I have the old "Break the Ice" board game in the back of my head, this game looks fun. I'm interested in seeing how this plays out, but other then that the map itself looks quite beautiful. I'll give it a try with some friends and tell you how it plays, looks like a fun addition to my mini-game list
Very, very, very, VERY nice idea, man. This looks like it will play awesomely. I like how you made the radio antennas make the blocks stand up.
I checked this out last night haha definetly win. The corner antenas are stiff as **** so the stratagy would be to go for the middle ones first then the corners.Nice work dude.
After playing through, its clear that the map is beautiful. The Chopper Floor looks great and open, and the colors and floorboards above look great. With all of that included, the map is great. The Depressing thing is that the game-play is fairly slow. It takes the Chopper Driver several rams to take down one Floorboard, and can get slow after a while. It can get a bit dull for players that are on the top, waiting for some action. Almost always players go for the corners, and perch themselves onto the block (thingyz), which is annoying as hell because the Corners are hard to knock down. Overall, if theirs anyway that the map could be improved to speed up gameplay, it would help.
yeah, ill try my best to find a way to make the gameplay faster, and make the antennas much more easier to knock over with the chopper.