Bravil Bravil is a fairly symmetrical map. on each side lies a sniper tower, One is taller, and the other has a turret on top. Under one of the towers is a tunnel that leads you safely from one side to the other. Creative paths and well placed scenery make this a fun map to play on. Works for slayer and team slayer along with my custom variants Bravil CTF In the middle of the map is a flag, one side defends while one captures, The flag is easily recovered and has a much faster reset time. The flag carrier does not have a decrease in speed and has a 150% damage resistance Bravil land grab For the land grab variant, There are six flags scattered over the map. The flags are captured in 15 seconds and the team with the most at the end wins. There are three rounds and the flags DO NOT lock after being captured so guard what you have. Pictures I will add gameplay pictures later. and if the map goes well, I will make a youtube video
Eh, looks so so, nothing original. You might want to fix up some of those bridges, like in the last picture where they do not meet the edge of the box. And me and others might agrees thats its smoother to walk on upside down boxes.
alright it's got nothing amazing about it but it looks generally good i do agree with alby that upside down bridges are easy to walk on and the appearance is better. should take your pictures in a custom game so we do not have to see the respawns. and is it just me or in the first picture the box in the middle is like extra wide?.