Now yesterday I was talking to a friend who is on this site and we were collaborating ideas for a 'Fallout' map. Now he wanted to go and make a wasteland for territories and I wanted something a little less open and objective based. So what did I come up with??? The Tops! For any of you who dont have new vegas, the tops is one of the 4 main casinos in the strip. Surprisingly, it features some very interesting combat capabilities. It has a main casino, a stage area where shows are and some suites. Now tell me, does this sound like a good map idea
this means nithing to me since I dont have new vegas a few pictures would be nice I will reserve judgment until I have a better idea of what the concept entaild; just letting you know that at least one person is nterested
It could work, but another idea could to be territories on the entire strip. I would like to see how this turns out nonetheless. I do play fallout quite a bit and im very familiar with the tops since i go in there a bit, well i did before i was banned from gambling.