For various reasons, I have been pretty bored recently. Normally I have something to do, whether it be hanging with friends or something more introverted - reading or video games or whatever. Thing is, I'm pretty ill at the moment. Not so ill I want to curl up in bed with a hot chocolate and paracetemol but ill enough that I don't want to go out and uni work is too challenging for my sore brain. I've exhausted all my books and box sets and watched all the programs on iplayer and 4od. So my question is, what the hell do I do? Throw some suggestions at me but please don't link me to inane 'time wasting online arcade games' that make me want to blow the world up. Just something casual yet at least a tiny bit stimulating. If I get enough decent suggestions then I'll make a list for time wasting activities for those half-hours when you have nothing to do but repetitively throw a ball against your wall.
Write a Story, it stimulates your brain and since you seemingly like to read, it should be a good workout for your brain.
I'm a 19 year old guy, I think its pretty much common knowledge thats top of my to-do list when bored. When I said I've exhausted all my box sets.. hopefully that doesn't need any more elaboration.
Suggested techniques for the marine to use in the avoidance of boredom and loneliness: Masturbation. Rereading of letters from unfaithful wives and girlfriends. Cleaning your rifle. Further masturbation. Rewiring Walkman. Arguing about religion and meaning of life. Discussing in detail, every woman the marine has ever ****ed. Debating differences, such as Cuban vs. Mexican, Harleys vs. Hondas, left- vs. right-handed masturbation. Further cleaning of rifle. Studying of phillipino mail order bride catalogue. Further masturbation. Planning of marine's first meal on return home. Imagining what a marine's girlfriend and her man Jody are doing in the hey, or in the alley, or in a hotel bed.
I would seriously bring your creative side out whether it is drawing (even doodling) or writing. It's always been a stress-reliever for me to just take all of my thoughts out on paper in an organized manner (even unorganized idc). But seriously these techniques have always worked for me, so try it out!
Get a whittling knife or just a sharp knife and a piece of wood and just whittle it into something cool. Its totally distracting. You wont notice the time pass.
So the general consenus is masterbation. Cheers guys, guess I should have realised that was all I was likely to get from adolescent men.
Now now. As one of historys greatest empires, we must take responsiblity for any and all expeditions and investments, including the Americas.
Lift weights. Even when I am sick I like to use barbells. Not really brain stimulating but endorphin releasing nonetheless.
Sounds weird but...learn another language? I did that a few years ago when I was bored over the summer and learned Hebrew. It's kind of fun in a way, I guess. Other things I've picked up when I was bored: playing some old games I never got around to replaying or exploring fully, or even playing at all. Playing around with Photoshop/GIMP. Stumbling on stumbleupon. Learned map design mentality by reverse engineering all the Bungie maps and sketching it all out (that took a long time...)...uhm...that's all I can think of offhand. Not super helpful, and essentially all computer stuff (I am a geek after all...gotta live up to it), but better than the rest of these guys :/
Watch movies! Go online, find plenty of free stuff.. just as long as you watch online and DON'T DOWNLOAD!!! Anywho, I'd recommend Ironman, Inglourious Basterds, The Hangover, Zombieland (was okay), and maybe Lord of the Rings or something.. just to take up time. I also just made a thread about me being sick.. huh, what a coincidence.
Cheers for the suggestions people, those that were serious. Insane, I don't have the time/motivation to learn a new language so I think thats out of the question. I ended up reading about stuff to do with my course whilst listening to topical debates on the radio and discovering some new music.