Zombies, Inc. Ultimate Brain Feast Saturday 1st October & Sunday 2nd October Well, here it is finally. The ultimate, mother of all Brain Feasts. Yes, there have been Brain Feasts before, and yes, we have have lots of people enjoying fun, intelligent, tactical infection, but never like this before. Never. It is time, for the infection to spread. We are going to be hosting the biggest brain feast (hopefully) as of yet, and rest assured, the streets will be plagued with Zombies as of next week. So what is this "brain feast"? You've probably never heard of it, or our group, or even me. I'm nitrotomato, proud herder of zombies. I'll be your host for next week's Brain Feast, our now weekly infection extravaganza. Our group are advocates of infection, we run games every week, so go on ahead, click the link, join us in our world domination quest On a more serious note, next week's game will run the same as all our other previous games. Simply post your gamertag and any other queries in this thread, and one of either me, RivalMass or Jester will add you on our GTs (mine is chonkemp), and then when the time comes, you will be invited to one of our parties. Feel free to jump from party to party as the game is running; it'll run very similar to TGIF. The games will both run at 5PM GMT(+1), although this time is prone to change, use this site if you live in a different zone. Sign ups are below, and here are some of the maps we may be playing: Convoy Tunnel by TrueDarkFusion Grave Yard by Jester LS and Eyeless Sid Holdout Requiem by RivalMass Traxus, Co. by fbu I am Legend (Revisited) by Time Glitch Bart's Manor by Sik Township v3 by Something. The Lost Chamber by TrueDarkFusion and Sargeant Sarcasm Pitch Black by Jester LS Red Reign by nitrotomato Rosters: Saturday's Game - 1st November, 5:00PM GMT: chonkemp (+ 2 guests potentially) LetalisCarbine9 (+ 1 guest) Thorax tehGREAT Lichtonatus (possible) ShadowSoldier58 Jester El Tiger Rojo Mr brownstain83 Sunday's Game - 2nd November, 5:00PM GMT: chonkemp (+2 potential guests) LetalisCarbine9 (+ 1 guest) Thorax tehGREAT Lichtonatus (possible) ShadowSoldier58 Jester El Tiger Rojo Mr brownstain83 That's about it for now, I'm going to throw in some interesting pictures of previous games to add some colour to this post: A poster I made. I think it looks really cool. Poor, unsuspecting human. Sadly, a triple kill follows immediately after this picture was taken. 3...2...1...BETRAYAL! This must've happened to all of us at some point. Chance for an epic Killionaire? Actually, the guy didn't even get one kill. That's it for now, check out our group by clicking on my sig. Happy hunting!
LetalisCarbine9 I'm in ^_^ I may have a guest (my friend may be over using my bro's account, the GT: TurkeySlaps), which is great he loves infection.
I'm in GT: Lichtonatus However, which day I'll be able to attend will vary depending on which day my boss randomly decides he wants me in. Course, if I have to choose now, I'll just go wherever you tell me and tell my boss that I'll have to work the other day (I'll make up a less geeky excuse though )
I'm in gt:ShadowSoldier58 i think that i have joined the group already and i might have a guest or two
Alright, I'll add you. Sorry I haven't had much time to respond to messages add people to group. It's been absolutely crazy with work recently.
i might be on next week or on sunday. il try to be on sunday, but im not sure if my parents will let me. ill just have to be really good...**** IT! THEY DIE!!!!(revs chainsaw)
Marvellous! Bring along your friends - we're gonna have some awesome maps lined up hopefully, I'm looking very forward to this.