"The Ultimate Weapon." Many of you will be able to guess how I did this, but however I think it's still cool enough for me to post here. I could make a guide, but it's almost too simple for that. Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
Looks good. I think it could be improved by making the Br stand out and be more predominant. Did you take this from inside an oversheild and some other stuff that I don't know?
I agree with DropDead. It actually does look like you used an overshield here, but the BR really needs to stand out more since it's the 'main character' in the picture. There seems to be some black grains in some parts of the red flare type effect. It really doesn't look good with it. Good job though.
Yeah, its an overshield. The only reason I took this is because I discovered that looking through an Overshield on those certain floors of Avalanche have the same effect as Energy Blockers, and I thought it made it look sweet.