RigidWoodY and I (I KuLL I) made this map. Because I have to describe it apparently, like the name implies, its a dome for br-ing. Any tips or anything of like are appreciated. MAP- Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
I can see this is your first post so Im gonna go easy on you. First off, congrats on following the map posting rules. Most newbies can't post a map correctly and it ends up being locked/deleted. Onto the map. Its a dome... I hope you weren't expecting much enthusiasm, because this won't be getting much. The merging appears a tad sloppy, although it is a pretty nice attempt at a dome. Can't really say much about gameplay because I can't imaging it would be all that great. Do I seem to harsh? If you say yes then that means you can't take constructive criticism. Remember, all great forgers started off like you. They'd post a map, get known a bit, go back to the drawing board and eventually break through with something awesome. Take a look around at the maps on this forum. Have a look at what gets fame and what gets rejected. Check out the forging 101 and 201 sections to further improve your forging abilities. Talk to people, ask questions. Everyone is willing to help out. From this map I see you have potential so go back to forging and make something awesome!
Not harsh at all, when we made the map our intentions were a warm up/mess around with br's and snipers so yeah.
did u get inspired by my map ? ( br-box ) . anyway u meaby can add some cover so you dont get spawn killed so often. ps : dont take the pictures in forge .
Good concept and execution, but doesn't offer a whole lot in comparison to maps such as ripulikuolema's BR Box. Elaborating on the dome a little aesthetically and mechanically would probably go a long way. Still a better start than I had, though. -=Moxus=-
Not very original I must say, as BR Domes have been done countless time before. Try and change it up some how. Make it original and fun so people would want to play your map over other peoples' BR domes. It does look well executed, though.
I did not get my motivation from br-box. I guess the motivation was build-a-dome. Its originality shouldn't be in question because of what its used for. Its use of practice and warming up doesn't require cover. What better to ruin a perfect four shot in warm ups than a block for cover. The point of this map is fast pace sequence of br battles.
agreed, but do you know what is hardest to warm up? Long range BRs. I suggest taking the time to make it about 4 times the size, so that you can have long AND close range battles, and it helps a ton with the snipers because me being the sniper on my team, it pisses me off when i play a tiny version of Octagon that i cant use my snipe properly. So, thats the best thing to do.