Sandbox Boxed

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by SmartAlec13, Feb 8, 2010.

  1. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Created by SmartAlec13

    [SIZE=+2]Supported Gametypes:[/SIZE]
    Boxed supports Smaller, FFA or small-team gametypes. It works best with Slayer, Swordz, and KOTH. At most, 8 players, only 6 reccomended.

    [SIZE=+2]Map Description[/SIZE]
    Boxed is a very small map floating in the sky bubble. It has walkways around the edges, ramps on each side, and a Spiral-Symmetric inside. The inside part is a little more crowded, housing a lot of short rang weaponry, where as the outside and rim have some BRs and Equipment.

    Click the Spoiler for Weapon List
    -Shotgun :150 time: 3 clips
    -12 BRs: default time: default clips
    -16 Spike Nades: default time
    -4 Spiker Rifles: default time: default clips
    -Flamethrower:120 time
    -4 Maulers:60 time: 2 clips
    -4 BruteShots: 60 time: 2 clips
    -8 AR: default time: default clips
    -4 SMG: defualt time: default clips

    -2 BubbleSheilds: 90 time
    -2 Regenerators: 60 time

    FX used

    Here are some normal pictures. No action screenshots at the moment, or films, but those will come soon.

    Boxed from a Distance

    Boxed from a more above view

    A more inside look at Boxed


    Here is a Video!
    YouTube- Halo3 Map Tour : Boxed

    Hope you like the map! The link to download is below.
    #1 SmartAlec13, Feb 8, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2010
  2. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Would you be able to post some more pictures of the below area?
    Anyway, from what I can see you haven't used much merging. Although this doesn't make it a bad map straight away it just causes things to be bumpy and un-aligned, most noticeably the sideways columns.
    Another thing that may be a problem is those walls as floors. From experience I know that walls have the potential to cause bumps when walking over it. Using blocks will definitely remove this.

    Im gonna give you a 4/10 for this map. The design of the map does kind pf lack but your forging seems to be decent.
    Good work.
  3. Dirt Jockey

    Dirt Jockey Ancient

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    That structure in the middle eerily resembles a Swastika and your attention to symmetry is clearly evident, I can tell you spent a long time making this map and eyeing stuff up.

    It would be nice to see a weapon set before I download it tho...
  4. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
    Senior Member

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    your reading skills sadden me...


    the map does indeed look extremely symetrical though, must have taken forever.
    #4 pinohkio, Feb 8, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2010
  5. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Haha actually the map didnt take long at all. This is a really old map that I made when Sandbox first came out. My friends were playing ODST and wouldnt let me join, so I went and made this :D

    The only part that took some work was making the outside not suck as much. There arent many bumps, or ill-forged peices. A few, yeah, cause I didnt interlock.

    I will be posting a Video some time tonight hopefuly.

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