Created by SmartAlec13 [SIZE=+2]Supported Gametypes:[/SIZE] Boxed supports Smaller, FFA or small-team gametypes. It works best with Slayer, Swordz, and KOTH. At most, 8 players, only 6 reccomended. [SIZE=+2]Map Description[/SIZE] Boxed is a very small map floating in the sky bubble. It has walkways around the edges, ramps on each side, and a Spiral-Symmetric inside. The inside part is a little more crowded, housing a lot of short rang weaponry, where as the outside and rim have some BRs and Equipment. Click the Spoiler for Weapon List Spoiler Weapons -Shotgun :150 time: 3 clips -12 BRs: default time: default clips -16 Spike Nades: default time -4 Spiker Rifles: default time: default clips -Flamethrower:120 time -4 Maulers:60 time: 2 clips -4 BruteShots: 60 time: 2 clips -8 AR: default time: default clips -4 SMG: defualt time: default clips Equipment -2 BubbleSheilds: 90 time -2 Regenerators: 60 time FX used -Juicy -Gloomy Here are some normal pictures. No action screenshots at the moment, or films, but those will come soon. Boxed from a Distance Boxed from a more above view A more inside look at Boxed Here is a Video! YouTube- Halo3 Map Tour : Boxed Hope you like the map! The link to download is below. BOXED
Would you be able to post some more pictures of the below area? Anyway, from what I can see you haven't used much merging. Although this doesn't make it a bad map straight away it just causes things to be bumpy and un-aligned, most noticeably the sideways columns. Another thing that may be a problem is those walls as floors. From experience I know that walls have the potential to cause bumps when walking over it. Using blocks will definitely remove this. Im gonna give you a 4/10 for this map. The design of the map does kind pf lack but your forging seems to be decent. Good work.
That structure in the middle eerily resembles a Swastika and your attention to symmetry is clearly evident, I can tell you spent a long time making this map and eyeing stuff up. It would be nice to see a weapon set before I download it tho...
your reading skills sadden me... the map does indeed look extremely symetrical though, must have taken forever.
Haha actually the map didnt take long at all. This is a really old map that I made when Sandbox first came out. My friends were playing ODST and wouldnt let me join, so I went and made this The only part that took some work was making the outside not suck as much. There arent many bumps, or ill-forged peices. A few, yeah, cause I didnt interlock. I will be posting a Video some time tonight hopefuly.