the map idea has been done but this 1s my fav it just looks neater and more like a bowlin alley, take awy the grav lifts and make it a hill would b better
ok, for the second time I will explain reseting the pins... There are firebombs on the map by the return system up top. Pick them up and throw them at the knocked over pins. The pins will be set off and in 10 secs will respawn.
great map will dl as soon as xbox is fixed only thing that could be improved is knocking peaple over instead of propane tanks, but other then that its great
yeah soccerballs cant move fast enough to kill that many people, your lucky to even kill one. If it worked I would do it but it *doesn't*. *Although I do have a dodgeball game where you throw soccerballs at each other and once some one is hit they become vunerable to bullets (yey weird bullcrap in bungies game that allows this to work!). I may post this some time but not now*
ya i dont like the bowling pin return system ... the rest of teh map is good.... but if u could fix that it would be alot better
whats wrong with the return system??? it's pretty much flawless... EDIT: Oh pin return my bad. But yeah thats that way just so the pins don't respawn when others are knocked over. No real way to get around it...