Sandbox Bowling Alley

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Indigo, Aug 18, 2009.

  1. Darkside102

    Darkside102 Ancient
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    u could hav added a switch to this map, instead of fusion coils u could hav used pallets and when the ball goes through the returner it knocks a fusion coil over and blows up the pallets and then reseting them when they respawn. cause if u hit just one fusion coil hard enough u get an automatic strike don't u
  2. Indigo

    Indigo Ancient
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    Okay here's Three reason's why pallet's are NOT a good idea 1. They Are way to big and I would only be able to fit 3 in my bowling alley. 2. The reset system would not work even if I made a switch that drops a fusion coil on them because pallets leave little wood Chunks everywhere when there broken and when the new pallets spawn they would be on an uneven surface And fall over 3. The pallets would get stuck in the return system and clog it up then the ball return system doesn`t work. And I would also like to point out that I have played this map over 100 times and I`ve only blown All of them up by hitting maybe 5 times. And It`s halo dude there`s gotta be Explosions! Please nobody else suggest using pallets I`m Getting tired of explaining.

    #22 Indigo, Aug 31, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2009
  3. Darkside102

    Darkside102 Ancient
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    dude i was just suggesting it, its your map im not telling u what to do no need to start PMSing. take a chill pill, all joking around to the side, you hav made a very good point the pallets do make a mess and after the ball hit them its possible the ball wouldnt make it to the returner. Agreed that is a bad suggetion.
  4. The Molemyster

    The Molemyster Ancient
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    This is really good. Its smooth, got a ball return, and evrything you really need for a bowling match! I played on this, and I like the secret writing! LOL (Go through the ball return to see it)! But I have one question; why is there only 6 pins?

    Nicly done!
  5. Indigo

    Indigo Ancient
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    Well i did try more pins but I found it was to hard to knock them over and the ball would get slowed down and often would not make it to the ball return system. Thanks for the Comment!


    Sorry to lash Out on you I justed wanted to explain it thoroughly so no one else would have the same suggestion In the future. Once again My apologies.

    #25 Indigo, Sep 2, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2009
  6. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    I laughed my ass off when I went behind the pins and got teleported to my death with giant letters saying "***" hahaha! That was just hilarious.

    Great job with the map though, although the mancannons do the aiming for you, its still fun.
  7. Indigo

    Indigo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I wouldn't necessarily say that the mancannon's do the work for you they just shoot the ball strait you still have to aim and push it in the right spot i'm glad you enjoyed the map.


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