...get it When I take screen shots I try to use little to no effects in them. What do you think of these? They were all taken on Snowbound. Abyss Unknown Snowed In Pod
i... umm... woah.... all on snowbound? where did you get the first one? and they are very good i really love the first one, deff fav
First one is...drum roll...below central cave with the shotgun. If you look down at the floor you'll notice its glass and you can see through it.
Damn Abyss is sexy :L u need to show me how to get there or i will eat ur shoes tehe but really its cool omg 200th POST WOOPWOOP
Nice.. *applauds* i like the first one..kinda eerie if you ask me.. but what can you expect from one of halo 3's most unappreciated maps.. at least in my opinion.
Wow Dude that picture of the shield door is pretty sexy, and the bottom abyss is a good highlight you should have taken it from a diffrent angle it looks kinda of plain but other then that realy sweet pics like your style