This is my first time posting a map so be gental. This map is called Bouncin Bullets, The objective of this map/gametype is to kill the other team as much as possible, but heres the can't see the other team. you have to use the ground and the small slit that is close to the ground to ricochet your sniper bullets off the gorund and kill the other team. Heres some pictures.... \/ This is the blue side \/ \/ This is the red side \/ \/ And this is how you shoot to ricochet the bullet to kill the other team \/ DOWNLOAD MAP DOWNLOAD GAMETYPE
this has been done before, and unfortunately it has been done better, may i reccomend removing one of the seperating columns and replacing it with a shield door, so that you can at least see where the enemy is? however, i will give you points for making it smooth and interlocked
Well, I haven't seen one like it, but then again, I haven't been here for too long. Then it would ruin the idea that you can't see them : / that would make it so you need actual skill, and not luck The game looks like it could be pretty fun, but for how small the map is I would recommend a little more aesthetics in the rooms?
Agreed on all three counts; while I haven't seen this idea before, the rooms could use some nice sprucing up besides gold columns and red/blue holograms. Maybe some lights or a dimmed setting? I dunno, something more appealing than a box of orange. -=Moxus=-
i've seen it a ton of times in customs on foundry, with a fence wall, and shield door blocking the two sides, this is better aesthetically than those, but i honestly don't see why it would be better if you can't see the other team
yea this is better off made on foundry, so you can still see them. but i wouldnt mind being able to shoot them at the sides too, or at the ceiling, but its all still creative
yea, i made it like this so that you can't see them its more of a luck thing than anything, i have played it msny times and with lots of people and it is more of a fun random shooting type of game rather than a game of skill, so it sort of evens out so the more skilled players don't all ways win and i think that puting spaces on the sides and top would be a good idea. But thanks for the input, and thanks to everyone else who input there opions on my map, any input is good input!