The next one will be out soon. It's just about done, what I'm doing for it now is the objective spawns and then test it and its done and dusted. I think I've posted this a few times but here's a sneak peak of my next map - P********n
Hey, this isnt Hangman. Or is it? Um, spam much. Give me some feedback, why did you like this, what specifically makes it nice.
i still play this one frequently because the gameplay is so awesome! because of the gametype, i still havent encountered another map that plays like this one.
Well thank you much for your delightful comment. I focused a lot on Gameplay on Boulevard. I aimed to have one of the better Foundry maps available as far as gameplay was concerned, the gametype, Elimination, isnt completely aimed at Boulevard. Although it works great on Boulevard, Elimination also works quite well with many other maps too. I'm considering doing a V2 with a few aesthetic alterations, I may not end up doing it but it was just something I was thinking about.
cool map a few places seem thrown together, but its nice overall good interlocking + design (some parts better than others)