Competitive map made entirely by sigmon fronso Weapons: BR 6 Needler 2 Carbine 4 Plasma rifles 4 Sticky nades 6 Regular nades 4 Rocket Launchers 2 Laser 1 Shotgun 2 Sniper 2 Overshield 1 Invisible 2 Vehicles: Ghosts 2 Chopper 2 Pictures! DOWNLOAD: : Halo 3 File Details
This map is very interesting, you have created very unique structures that really look good. But How much ammo are in those rockets, there should be no spare clips because 1 rockect can destroy a ghost or chopper. Other then that i love the map ill download and edit this post later. I will download soon
I like the forging here, but... I'm not saying it's bad, but to me it just seems like a whole lot of separate structures forced together on one map. I'll try it out and see if there is some sort of flow here, though.
Maps looks very unquie, in an asthetic way. There are alot of very impressive structures that give the map a really asthetic feeling to it. I also admire the neatness in the map, from what I can tell, the map looks very clean. I will be sure to give the map a play or two to give back gameplay feedback.