Boulder clash is an asymmetrical map that supports up to 6 players. it supports the game types king of the hill (shotgun hill game type click here for that), one flag, and slayer. The maps is small so no more than six players. Back story: In the early stages of the war against the covenant training facilities like this one were widely known to UNSC troops. It gave an artificial terrain like feeling so they would be more accommodated to a real battle. As the war advanced these training facilities were no longer supportive to the battles towards the covenant. Most of these training facilities were then reconstructed into storage facilities. This is one of the unchanged facilities, and rumor has it that some clans of veteran UNSC Spartans fight amongst each other for entertainment in this facility. DOWNLOAD: MAP video of boulder clash DOWNLOAD: SHOTGUN HILL weapons list 3x AR-30 sec 7X BR-30 sec 1X Shotgun-45 sec 1x Sniper-30 sec 2x Smg-30 sec 1x Rockets-150 sec 1x Spartan laser-45 sec 2x Turret-30 sec 2x Magnum-30 sec equiptment 5x frag-10 sec 4x plasma-10 sec 1x bubble shield-20 sec 1x power drain-20 sec 1x radar jammer-20 sec A review "whilst I really liked both sections of this map, the cliff and the canyon, I didn't feel like they fitted together well. The cliff is very well designed, nice variations in height and some nice little cubby holes fit well. I like the crooked wall personally, I think its a nice piece of angled cover in the right place. I also like the canyon, but it feels very different from the cliff. Its got a nice design, not too big, and a surprising amount of good spawning space. It just feels much more open, especially near the end with the curved double box wall and pallet. Since there are quite a few fusion coils around the map considering its size, getting rid of a few and using the cash to place a bit more cover here would make the map feels more consistend. Nothing major, just a couple more crates and spools would help alot. It would also be nice to have another way up to the ledge on the curved double box wall, a crate or spool would be good enough, just to increase circulation around this corner of the map. I also have to agree that there are too many power weapons on this map. 2 snipers with so much ammo just seems too much, 1 would be ok, but it might be worth taking the sniper off this map altogether. I'd also say that rockets and sniper is a bit of overkill for a map this size, 1 of either would work well, and I'd be tempted to say the rockets with no spare clips and a 180s respawn, maybe 150s. I managed to escape the map as well, jumping from the bridge in the canyon up onto the fence boxes. If you grenade jump you can get up there pretty easily and the barrier is easy to get around. Blocking it off fully would solve it I think, and another 1 or 2 barriers should do it. To get the money needed you could consider deleting the crates up there, whilst they are a nice aesthetic touch, I feel that blocking off the map properly is well worth it. This post has been kinda full of suggestions, and I don't want you to get the impression that I dislike this map. I like it alot, I just feel that it could do with a little more consistency in feel and some toning down on power weapons and fusion coils. The interlocking is really nice, and all the jumps around the cliff are great, its very well laid out. If the canyon could match this then this map would really stand out more." By: pegasi Delta overview the main section of the map the shot gun pit the right side of the canyon sniper spawn left side of the canyon rocket spawn small base/holdout Action pics: OWNED DOWNLOAD: SHOTGUN HILL DOWNLOAD: MAP A speacial thanx goes to morenzi 7 (even though i hate him), my freind nick who is freinds with morenzi 7 in real life (he hates him too), and xxunknownkiller all for helping me test to make this map playable and fun.
looks pretty well made. but its hard to put it all together. could you add an overview pic? other than that looks good
The map looks amazing, the only thing I'm unsure about is the closeness of some power weapons, and how many there are. I'll do a forgethrough and get back to you tomorrow.
looks great aswome interlocking only thing s i dont get the lay out at all maby a diagram but i'll find out cuz........I"LL DL! w007
looks well made, with a sweet layout, or at least i think, awesome interlocking. not sure how it plays with so many power weapons, but seems good, i think a four point five out of five is deserved.
nicee!!! this is pretty dang sweet. i love it a lot, it look fun and good story too.. ill dl wen i get the chance
Looks very well made and very well put together. I love how you used your interlocking to create thesestructures that are both amzing and origonal. The first pic was definately an eyecatcher. It got my attention and proved that this map is both origonal and well made. Great job definately 5/5
3 fusion coils together? ookk, well this looks pretty good, and i like the first picture, but an overview would be pretty nice. get an overview, and ill take it all in. then maybe youll get a download from me.
This map looks really well put together so props to you on that man. The only complaint I have is the same as the others: you need to add some overview pics to get my DL.
N1CE JOB bud! Looks like a nice job from forgy bob. I see you have unlocked the interlocking acheevable. However, I think you could use some overhead shots of your map. 4/5
This map makes foundry seem huge, the first picture is awesome. Your interlocking is pretty good, but the crooked wall (even tho you ment for it to be like that) should be straightened, it drew me away from the picture
whilst I really liked both sections of this map, the cliff and the canyon, I didn't feel like they fitted together well. The cliff is very well designed, nice variations in height and some nice little cubby holes fit well. I like the crooked wall personally, I think its a nice piece of angled cover in the right place. I also like the canyon, but it feels very different from the cliff. Its got a nice design, not too big, and a surprising amount of good spawning space. It just feels much more open, especially near the end with the curved double box wall and pallet. Since there are quite a few fusion coils around the map considering its size, getting rid of a few and using the cash to place a bit more cover here would make the map feels more consistend. Nothing major, just a couple more crates and spools would help alot. It would also be nice to have another way up to the ledge on the curved double box wall, a crate or spool would be good enough, just to increase circulation around this corner of the map. I also have to agree that there are too many power weapons on this map. 2 snipers with so much ammo just seems too much, 1 would be ok, but it might be worth taking the sniper off this map altogether. I'd also say that rockets and sniper is a bit of overkill for a map this size, 1 of either would work well, and I'd be tempted to say the rockets with no spare clips and a 180s respawn, maybe 150s. I managed to escape the map as well, jumping from the bridge in the canyon up onto the fence boxes. If you grenade jump you can get up there pretty easily and the barrier is easy to get around. Blocking it off fully would solve it I think, and another 1 or 2 barriers should do it. To get the money needed you could consider deleting the crates up there, whilst they are a nice aesthetic touch, I feel that blocking off the map properly is well worth it. This post has been kinda full of suggestions, and I don't want you to get the impression that I dislike this map. I like it alot, I just feel that it could do with a little more consistency in feel and some toning down on power weapons and fusion coils. The interlocking is really nice, and all the jumps around the cliff are great, its very well laid out. If the canyon could match this then this map would really stand out more.
i must say, this is one of the better maps i have seen in a while, good job, 5/5 well constructed, cleanly interlocked, looks very fun im goin to dl