Boulder Base

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by ManBearPig916, Jan 14, 2011.

  1. ManBearPig916

    ManBearPig916 Forerunner

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    YouTube - Halo Reach: Boulder Base

    Hi, guys.

    I did not win the Forgetacular contest in the BTB category with this map : (. In conjunction, i never really got much feedback on the map, and I hope that I could get my map out there for others to enjoy and to be critical over, that I might improve it or use the criticism when creating another map. I enjoy being creative, as such creativity was birthed with the "create a skate park" on Tony Hawk games way back when! Because I cannot enjoy a Halo map by myself like I could a Tony Hawk park, I feel compelled to lend it out to you guys to review and, hopefully, to enjoy as well.

    If there are any custom map groups on here that test stuff, I'd LOVE to join them (I'm not accustomed to navigating this site well just yet.)

    My map is best played as a Multi-Flag CTF that utilizes well-defended bases, a vehicular arena, and sprawling catwalks on the edge of a cliff. I gave weapon placements such that incentive to venture to certain areas would make the player have to make choices on navigating the map. The Hornet and the Tank are away from the objectives, in a sense, so, much like Spire, you could be hurting or helping your team with your efforts depending on the situation.

    I think this map would be just, plain old fun, and there are a few secret ways into opponent bases, but they're risky. Lastly, CTF is guaranteed to be a blast, unless you see otherwise. Please take a look at my map and be critical of what you see or the potential for fun. I designed a thrilling arena of strategy and carnage, and I only hope everything is considered balanced amongst vehicles and anti-vehicle strategies and weapons.

    Note: The low ceiling of the quarry nerfs flying vehicles substantially, as the only way they can truely regain shields under constant fire is to fly off into the horizon and waste their time. Approaching the Quarry from the sea does not give them great shot angles on the map, and they flying vehicles won't dominate under average skill, if that's your worry. The ground vehicles are subject to the grenade launchers in the bunkers on the towers, and emp is very fun to counter any ground-vehicle domination that you might fear. Racing for the tank or even the rocket warthog is very fun as well. Racing for the Hornet just to be met by a camper camping the asset could potentially be very funny.

    Please feel free to post below any considerations you wish to share.

    I have 2 saved videos and more screen shots on my file share. Use the download link and click on manbearpig916

    EDIT 2: if one of you plays, there may be an accident on one of the man-cannons that I overlooked when submitting this to Forgetacular. It is very challenging for the blue-base man cannon below the tower to be used when panicking and entering into it amidst a grand battle. When I pay attention and enter carefully, all is well, but when I strafe into it, I sometimes hit the cliff. I know that is the only thing that comes to mind that I could edit right now, because it should not take any skill to enter a man-cannon to get to the catwalks, and I want absolutely no accidents, save for those where you miss some of the power of the lift by jumping too far in front of it or falling into it from the corner. That was very challenging to match up, but know that I already am aware of that problem, which shows up very rarely.

    I'll be back in less than an hour with fresh photobucket shots of my map. I'm lacking in good angles for you guys.




    The prior 3 images were submitted to the contest. I'll make a few more and post them soon.

    Edited by merge:

    Here are some more pictures of Boulder Base from various angles.















    youtube video incoming in a little while
    #1 ManBearPig916, Jan 14, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2011
  2. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Your post isn't up to standards. Fix the following issues, or your post will be Locked.
    • All map posts require at least one embeded picture or video.
    • Map titles must contain the map name only.

    Follow these few steps and you'll have yourself a great map post. For future referance, read the Rules when visiting new forums. It'll save you a lot of time and correction.

    #2 Hogframe, Jan 14, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2011
  3. ManBearPig916

    ManBearPig916 Forerunner

    Likes Received:

    It took 5 hours to upload it to youtube! Can you believe that?!

    Please take a look at the top of the original post. There should be a link or an embedded video. Thank you.
  4. Flameing Bannana

    Flameing Bannana Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    The map looks really nice. The only thing that through me off was the collesium walls. Other than that a very good creation.
  5. Squidkake

    Squidkake Forerunner

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    Nice map, but I'd have to agree with Flameing Bannana that the colliseum walls are a little tacky and sloppy. It just doesn't go well with the mountains in the back, and it is big and bulky. Other than that small issue, I look forward to playing your map with friends today. Good job! :D
  6. ManBearPig916

    ManBearPig916 Forerunner

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    Thanks for the criticism and praise. I put an effort to quickfix the colliseum walls by sinking them into the earth a bit more. I am spending time now trying to think of a more artistic way to protect the spawn zone than using coliseum walls. Here are pics of my retrofitting the walls. I hope you enjoy playing it, though. I wonder how it plays.




    I'm also trying a fun new map, but I can't get past the first stages just yet. I spent over an hour and a half yesterday just moving stuff around on it, but I may spend more time on forge today than I wanted. It's easy to get carried away with this stuff.

    Edited by merge:

    In addition to the colliseum walls, I placed braces, and I used the artifacts pressing through the walls to form informational displays for the "workers" who went nuts. Nothing but static plays on these hi definition displays.




    Notice how the energy sword was moved from its close proximity to the shotgun room and the hornet to a hidden shortcut between the bases. It's my idea of risk reward being manifest into weapon placement.

    I have an older version prior to some of the edits I've made, so please note that all changes from here onward are to Boulder Base V2 on my file share.


    EDIT: I see potential imbalance for the sword path between the bases, so I'll add rocks (namely to neglect 1 sniper nest/flag room from having a significant advantage.)




    #6 ManBearPig916, Jan 15, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2011

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