alright i finally had the notion to put this map up lol for those of you who have played it i know it has been finished for about a month and a half... but i just hadnt thought to put it up, now that i have thought about it works for team slayer and flags...must be red and blue teams Welcome to Bottle Neck red side blue side middle bottom middle top Wep list to the best of my knowledge ROFL to tired to think: 4 BR 4 AR 4 SMG 2 carbine 1 mauler 1 brute shot Equipment: 2 power drains Grenades: 4 plasma 4 frags lol i think thats all there is to it...i have play tested it for a long long time lol RPAL Adelyss and afew others from this site have played on it so if im not on they should be able to answer questions about it.
why would you say that you havent even looked at it everyone else who has played it seems to think the map is fun
Don't worry I reported him for spam... Anyways, I'm downloading it. Once I play it I'll come back with a review. My guess is this would suit 2-4 maybe 6 people right? Looks pretty good for Team Slayer, or Free For All gametypes. EDIT - I don't see a download link for your post. EDIT 2- Nevermind, I see it now...
its set up for flags and team slayer i hada little help with the wepons so blame rednormandy if you dont like em lol
I agree with guppie, that post was horrible. It didn't even state why the map is bad. Reported. Back on topic I think you might neec a few more screenshots before I can give my full opinion but for now I'll say that it looks pretty nice and the interlocking is good. 4/5 until I see more pics EDIT: sorry Krazy I'm using my wii and typing this took for ever, your post wasn't there when I started lol
How do you report people I wanna report him because Im getting tired of all the (sux bad, this is pointless, waiste of my time, this is stupid) relpies. Its annoying and kinda mean that there saying that stuff. as for the map I think it looks pretty good, I will have to download and see for my self, So idea of the map looks interesting. hold on, and ill go check it out.
Why don't you download it, and play it, then base it off of gameplay? @Guppie It only supports CTF and Slayer? If so I could help you with a version two, and set up the spawns for the other gametypes. EDIT - @Myshotsakill At the bottom of someones post there's a red and white triangle with an exclamation point inside it. Click on it and with take you to a page where you write in why your reporrting them. Then you hit confirm, or send, or whatever it says.
^You click that little triangle with the ! next to their online status. Edit: once again slow wii (this post is directed to the post 2 posts up)
i will when i have time lol i am currently finishing off a seperate map i have been working on for a few days
Ha ha, sorry Nivlac @Guppie I could just do it for you, then ask what you think about it. My gamertag is Krazy Kumquat (duh) so just add me if your on.
wow thanks man i shall add you ^_^ i am always looking for friends lol back to topic...that would be awsome man saves me time lol and you can see my new map before i post it anywhere
Well I downloaded it and I think I'll keep my rating at a 4/5 because I can't really see alot kf gameplay for CTF but maybe slayer. Keep making map though, and I'm sure you'll get a 5/5 from me.
Oh ok thanks dude, Im sure someone will get him because its not there anymore, so im guessing hes into trouble. as for the map I downloaded it and the interlocking was pretty good, the gameplay was pretty intense, I only played 1v1 though. I liked it for oddball lol, idk why nice map good job.