Boss Battles-Fight those Bosses!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Two Car Garage, Jan 2, 2009.

  1. Two Car Garage

    Two Car Garage Ancient
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    Map Title: Boss Battles
    To be played with Boss Battle Gametype



    happy co came up with the idea for this game and happy co, Two Car Garage, and THE1 Dunce made the map.

    We built this map to create a fun game for 10 people. There is one hero (human) who spawns in a room with nothing except for a Battle rifle. He then proceeds through ten rooms to rack up kills by anhialating bosses with certain vehicles or power weapons on the way. After each room the hero can gather or collect any hidden weapons or grenades and take the bosses weapon. As the hero proceeds he encounters tougher bosses in each room. There are healths every so often as well.

    (To proceed through the rooms the hero has to jump through teleports, it may take a couple attempts and some crouch jumping)
    The zombies are incapable of jumping through the teleporters due to higher gravity.

    Oh, and just a note, in the Wraith room you actually have to stand on the wraith and beat it down or shoot it, boarding it doesn't do anything for some weird reason.

    Here is the room in which the hero spawns:


    Here is the first Boss room (Plasma Cannon) -Medium:


    The Second Room is the Ghost Room -Hard:


    In the third room a zombie is trapped up in a room with infinite flame nades, (We got the Idea from the "Fire Fighter" infection game) and an SMG. -Easy:


    The fourth room is a chopper room -Medium:


    The Fifth room is the Portable Machine Gun Turret Room -Easy:


    The sixth room is the Immobile Gauss Warthog room -Medium:


    The Seventh Room Is the hammer room -Hard:


    The eighth room is the Wraith room (Two Zombies Spawn here)


    In the Final Room, every Boss you have previously defeated spawns here with a cache of Weapons. Good Luck not even getting asassinated!
    - Friggin Impossible:


    Don't Forget to seek out secret weapons and grenades! Choose the Weapons you take wisely.

    Oh, and this game is pretty tough to get to the end. (Some bosses may be waiting a long time for naught, but don't worry you'll get your shot at being a hero!)

  2. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    This looks like fun, but alot of honor rules from what you explained. I will have to play this soon, and I am also making a map KINDA like this
  3. Two Car Garage

    Two Car Garage Ancient
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    Honor Rule? i cant really stand those kinda maps. We tried to prevent having to use the honor rule.
  4. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    This looks cool. I like the progression of difficulty. It looks cleanly made. Some gameplay pictures would be cool though (one of each of the bosses).

    The name of the thread should be only the map name (Boss Battles). Nothing else.
  5. A Firey Hobo

    A Firey Hobo Ancient
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    I like this map dude. I've always tried to make a map like this. It didn't really turn out.(Epic Fail) Nice Job 3.9/5. Although You need like 16 people to play it.
  6. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    Alrighty... for the record, you need 10. Kthxbai.
    However, I'm sure if you got one of our spawn masters in here, they could show you a way to have each player on the boss team play as a boss twice, halving the number of people require. Do some fancy spawn area stuff =)

    Anyway, a map kinda like this has been made before (I'll go link hunting in a second), and suffered from a similar problem: If you aren't the hero, it isn't very fun. If you spawn as a boss, you sit in wait for 90% of the game, only to (usually) be ripped to pieces and then go back to sitting. It especially sucks if you spawn as one of the "easy" bosses. In the other aforementioned game, there were 3 bosses, but each played by the same person; the spawns were set to have him respawn in each area in order. Also, the hero had 3 lives, and picked a class in the beginning rather than gathering weapons as he went. I'm not saying make an exact clone of this game, just try to find a way to get more "fun factor" for the bosses, and more replayability for the hero. He's gonna be picking up the same weapons every game.

    All in all, its a good idea, but I think the concept could use a little work. Great idea and great map though, so for now I 3.5/5 you.

    EDIT: Here's your link: The Last Level
  7. Two Car Garage

    Two Car Garage Ancient
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    Thanks for the suggestions
  8. chromebandit

    chromebandit Ancient
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    I agree. Most people that played my maps just try to find the flaws and not have fun.
  9. l33tmeerkatslol

    l33tmeerkatslol Ancient
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    This is a really good idea! I love it. You guys should make one for less people too. Sometimes it's hard to find 10 people. Either way this looks really exciting. Can't wait to play it tonight.

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