Sandbox Borderline

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Mini Waz, Jun 12, 2009.

  1. Mini Waz

    Mini Waz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    - Atlas Map Submission -


    -Map Updated 15th June 2009-

    The following changes have been made:

    - The spare clips in the Rocket Launchers have been removed. Each rocket launcher has a total of 2 rockets in it and its respawn time is 120 seconds.

    - Additional cover has been added to the ground floor of the bases. (There is still more than enough room for vehicles to pass through the bases if players wish to do so.).

    - All Starting Points have been moved so that they are not directly on top of regular spawn points.

    Updated Screenshot:



    YouTube - Halo 3 Forge Map - Borderline By Mini Waz

    Borderline is a symmetrical map which encompasses both solid and fun gameplay. The layout of the map presents players with many routes through the frontline and into the bases. The objects have been layed out in such a way that vehicles aren't overpowered but when used in the correct manor, they can be the key to winning a match. The spawn system resembles that of Bungie's maps and gameplay runs smooth. All gametypes are supported.

    Recommended Gametypes:

    Team Slayer / Multi Flag (4 vs 4)

    Weapon Loadout:

    6 x Battle Rifle
    4 x Covenant Carbine
    2 x Rocket Launcher
    2 x Brute Shot
    2 x Needler
    2 x Mauler
    2 x SMG
    2 x Plasma Rifle
    2 x Plasma Pistol

    Equipment Loadout:

    1 x Overshield
    2 x Bubble Shield
    2 x Regenerator
    2 x Power Drain

    Plasma grenades have been placed suitably around the map.

    Vehicle Loadout:

    2 x Warthog
    2 x Chopper
    4 x Mongoose

    Map Screenshots:

    Base Design

    Inside Base

    Chopper Spawn

    Middle Structure

    Overshield Spawn

    Rocket Launcher Spawn

    Mauler Spawn

    Action Screenshots:


    Download Borderline Here!
    #1 Mini Waz, Jun 12, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2009
  2. Sikamikanico

    Sikamikanico Video Team #corruptstaff
    Forge Critic

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    *clicks download*

    Looks really solid dude - will come back to you once I've checked it out :)
  3. Dralthi

    Dralthi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Let's see, looks a bit basic (not necessarily a bad thing) with some interesting structures and overall built quite well. You got your bases, some vehicles not a whole lot to say besides I'd maybe try to add a bit more and try to make it stand out more/a little more unique.

    Senior Member

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    good map.
    maybe you would delet a warthog and a chopper.
    i think its to much map control with could add a ghost for example.
    but overall it looks very solid and cleaner, looks like the map is fun.
  5. NOV3D

    NOV3D Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Appearance- 1.4-Work Of Art
    game play- 1.4-Exciting
    Originality- 0.4-Unique
    presentation- 0.5-Shark Attack

    Over all= 4/5

    Very original I love almost everything about the map but there were a few things you could have changed to possible make the game play better. Like for example the rockets could be turned down to 1 clip not two and also if you could then turn the respawn up. :)
    Other then that great job. :)
  6. Mini Waz

    Mini Waz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the advice, i have looked into the suggestion and i have decided to take the spare clips out of the Rocket Launchers. Each Rocket Launcher now has a total of 2 rockets and the respawn time remains at 120 seconds.
  7. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    (repeated from my Forge Cafe post XD)
    Borderline looks like an amazing map - the looks are definitely there. From what I can tell, it looks to flow rather nicely and I would imagine that player distribution would be pretty fair and not too concentrated. The 'hog looks to be fairly maneuverable, and the central structure looks pretty awesome! I definitely love that the layout looks realistically traversable, and that the central structure is large enough to afford cover. Too many maps nowadays just use strewn objects for cover and neglect to build looming structures.

    From the pictures and video it seems great - but only playing on it will tell. I'll be sure to give you a more helpful comment as soon as I do get the chance to play it!
  8. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks a very balanced map with the potential for some great gameplay, as demonstrated in the vid. I would dl and give it a bash on TS but I only know a couple of people who play halo so... Thumbs up though and you have picked weapons and equipment very reasonably aswell.
  9. VIBlackDragonIV

    VIBlackDragonIV Ancient
    Senior Member

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    short sweet simple. nothin schmancy about this map just good fun.
  10. Trix

    Trix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks great and I think you should definatly look inot possibly converting into a squad battle map it definatly fits that playlist I think more then team slayer.(considering objective has been removed) but can easily fit into any social playlist by far.
  11. LuiginDaisy

    LuiginDaisy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The first image was the reason why I downloaded this map. I've been looking for a map like this since sandbox was released. The center area just brought back memories of something...

    I played one game of 3v3 Slayer(Couldn't find any more players) and I didn't like the choppers, but that's just my opinion. I still had lots of fun on this map.
  12. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    There's not really much to say about this map. It's really, really good. Lots of fun to play, spawns are great, weapons and vehicles make for some fun gameplay. I've found in general Mini Waz has a great knack for making maps that work really well for BR starts and vehicular combat, and this map is no different. There's so many different options for funness (...not a word...), it's definitely worth at least giving it a download and trying it out for yourself.
  13. Mini Waz

    Mini Waz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the comments, i appreciate that many of you have taken the time to go and play this map and it's great to hear feedback!

    The choppers seem to crop up more when there are less people.
    #13 Mini Waz, Jun 18, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2009

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