I bought and finished the New Revolution DLC yesterday. (I loved the previous ones, too!) I'm not going to spoil it for you, but it really brings the game full circle and closes the story off perfectly. Despite the fact that the New Revolution campaign is substantially shorter than the General Knoxx campaign, I would have to say I prefer it... You get to fight claptraps, you see Tannis again, and you get to see some old bosses reappear in new ways. There's also more backpack space availible and the reward for completeing one of the quests is a skill point to be used. I really hope there will be a sequel to Borderlands seeing as it seems like this will be the last DLC.There's also a few hints near the end of New Revolution that there may be one. Claptrap's New Robot Revolution - Gearbox Software Store
I loved Borderlands. Too bad I traded it in for Reach, but still, it was a fantastic game. The new DLC looks great. Out of all the DLC so far, only one piece has been bad. Keep em coming Gearbox.
Yeah, I'm actually downloading both it and general knox right now, its probably going to take forever but I hope its well spent money, unlike that goddamn underdome...