Anyone worked out if common hubs of the map have a heavy dose of chests for repeatable use, like some of the places in borderlands 1 (new haven, crimson lance areas)? I'm just curious if they have followed through on this decision, or whether chests are placed more uniformly.
The turret is definitely helpful playing solo. As Roland says, "Like having another soldier on the field!" I've got rockets on that bad boy, and it kicks serious ass. Does the Gunzerker get that class mod? I know the Soldier got it in Borderlands, and I'll be disappointed if I don't get to use one again this time as a Commando. I know in the original, I didn't find one until lvl 30 or so. I haven't found any areas like that. The only city I've seen so far is Sanctuary which has none to my knowledge. The bandit towns usually don't have more than one. I'm lvl 20 now and finally getting good guns that don't leave me fighting for my life in every battle. Still trying to find a rifle with good accuracy and damage, but I'm making due with a powerful sniper/shotgun combo and a Maliwan SMG to clean up with. I'm really starting to get hooked on this game after a slow start.
I don't think I like the fact that some skills of the soldier were switched to the Siren. Maya's harmony skills are basically Roland's medic skills in BL1. But as of now i'm playing my Siren as a healer. I can phaselock enemies, kill them with easy criticals, and heal every party member after. Or I can just shoot allies to heal them. I can't wait until I unlocked my Res skill!
Bought the game last night. Managed to get to level 14 by doing every which side quest inbetween. My favorite line so far is when Spoiler Handsome Jack talks about his diamond pony. Also the cataclysm tree for siren is scary powerful.
Yes! Im getting it tommorow, quite pysched for it But i did get a sneak peek at the Boom and Bewn boss fight. LIGHT THE FUSES, BITCHES! I love it, cant wait to get my hands on the game.
Beat the main story a couple hours ago. Got too caught up in it to do any more side quests, so I just went straight for it. I've gotta say, it's probably the best Campaign I've seen this year. Hands down. Not only was it hilarious (In true Borderlands style), but they managed to patch up every little plot hole that was in the first game. It was an overall well orchestrated campaign and the storytelling was actually great this time around! I'll finish up the rest of the sidequests tomorrow. I think I have at least another 3-5 hours to go on them. (Excluding Terramorphis. There's no ****ing way I can do that yet.)
I have played borderlands 2 Im lvl 9 right now with zer0, but i have one question. I have the golden key, at what level should i open the chest? I have good weapons.. not too bad, but im just curious.
I'm a little late replying to this, but I chose Zer0 as well. I REALLY like the action skill, and how it flows with melee combat. He is most definitely designed for you to use it, float around stabbing people and then have it refresh within another 5 seconds for you to repeat. Seriously loving this game, I liked the Firehawk side missions in the early parts that I am in, and I'm sure I'll love the things that come later in the story as well. On another note, has anyone had any luck with moxxie's slot machines?
I've gotten some good guns out of them and a load of Iridium. I actually hit the "Iridium jackpot" once, which gives you like 12 or 16. I've never gotten three vault symbols or three bells, though. I'm curious as to what they pay out. I've probably spend over $200k on the slots across the game... I think I have a problem.
I too had a gambling addiction, and I wasn't aware of it until I got wrapped up in the creature slaughter dome. Now I'm packing 76k (way more than the standard $100-$500 I would have after playing the slots). I too am also wondering what the reward is for the bells and the symbols.
Three Vault Symbols is a Legendary Weapon. Three Triple Eridium Stacks is 12 Eridium. Those are the only two possible jackpots. I've done > 2,000 spins on those ****ers. Spent well over a million on them.