Border War v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Awkward Silence, May 17, 2008.


How would you rate this map

  1. Buddy, you get an F. Minus.

  2. Snore. Go play Matchmaking.

  3. Eh. Average.

  4. Wow, this is actually... neat!

  5. You are a freaking god.

  1. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Edit: I have posted edits to this at the end of this post, please take a look. Thank you for your comments!
    Hey guys, this is my completely updated map, Border War V2. It was originally called Trigger Complex, which had more than a few problems. Due to that, Trigger Complex recieved, erm... less than desirable comments. However, most if not all of people's complaints have been addressed, and I think Border War has ended up very nicely. It works with ALL GAMETYPES, but I think 5 V 5 Team games like Team Slayer, Multi Flag and Assault are the most fun. However, for Multi Flag, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND making it so that the Flag needs to be home to capture.

    The biggest update, I think, was the spawn points. They were originally clustered and badly organized, and only placed in certain parts of the map. I've added a lot more, but also they have been spread to all parts of the map and encourage players to use the entire area. This really helps to balance the map out and provides an incentive to do something else other than rush in.

    On the smaller side, I've done a lot of cleanup. Double boxes have been flipped and interlocked, giving it a cleaner look. The main structure of the map remains mostly the same, though some walls have been moved a bit, and I don't think anything is crooked anymore.

    TO MAKE THIS CLEAR: I had a bit of an annoying misunderstanding in the original post, so I apologize if this one is overkill, but I want to make it clear: There is more than one way across the map. Trust me, I know that only having one way would be stupid. The center Wall/Bridge divides the map in two, and yes you can (and should) get on top of it. There are staircases on both ends on both sides. Also, there is a center hole in the wall so that you can go under it. This is better explained in screenshots so....

    See? In the background. Stairs. Amazing.
    Same moment in time... he's shooting at me that jerk.
    The door through the bridge, here you can see most of it.

    Wow. That was a lot of shots. That is only the main area of the map. The "arms" of Foundry are where the sniper spawns, along with other things. The blue hallway is the long way around, but it contains a Mauler and allows you to sneak behind the enemy and snipe from behind. Also, look for the window panels. You can crouch under them and use them as cover.

    In terms of weapons, there is a rocket launcher in the very center of the map, on top of the bridge. I tried to recreate the rush to the rockets on Narrows, which forces people to get going right away and jumpstart the game. BRs and Carbines are abound, and there are Needlers on the edges of the map. I placed a healthy amount of Sticky grenades, and there are two Magnums just for fun. Snipers are in the windows in the "arms" of Foundry, along with a Bubble shield. The Mauler is right in the center of the outer blue hallways, and a power drain is in the doorway that goes through the center Bridge/Wall. Also, on the boxes near the Trucks, there are SMGs on one side, and Plasma Rifles on the other. Additionally, there is an overshield on one side and camo on the other in the same spots. Finally, on top of the bridge, there is a Plasma Pistol, on one end, and Deployable Cover on the other end. So there you go.

    One. Last. Thing. We're getting there. Don't worry.
    My friend does this thing to make maps easier to understand by taking the heatmaps picure from and drawing the map on it in Paint. I've done the same thing, and it came out... okay. This sizes and positions are not exactly right, but it gives you a general sense of the map that makes the screenshots easier to understand. So here goes.

    The Green is the scenery, walls, boxes, etc. Blue and Red squares are the teams, Orange is the Mauler, Black is BR, Pink is Carbine, purple is Sniper, and blue line is Needler. The Yellow is highlighted to show the main pathways along the map. Stairs, Doorway, Along the Bridge. Obviously the hallway where the Mauler is is open too.
    (And please rate this thread. I really don't want it to get lost in the forums. Thanks!)​

    Edit: I'm now posting a big edit to the map. I have listened to the comments you guys have been posting, and I've fixed a few things. For one, the bridges that prevented players from grenade jumping have been interlocked and do not block the stairs anymore. Also, I fixed a problem with the window panels where players could get stuck. Finally, I've tried to fix all of the crooked walls and things like that. I have decided to post this stuff here as well as the screenshots because the original screenshots show the playtest and how it works, and I don't want to take those down. The little changes will be shown here to make things easier. Unfortunately, I had to remove the older version from my fileshare, which eliminated the download count. :( Here we go.

    First of all, the bridges that have been fixed:
    The new, straight walls:

    And I said before that I would show you the sniper area in the "arms" of Foundry:
    The Truck has a grav lift which puts you onto a door, meant for sniping. Seriously, GET OFF the bridge if you see a sniper there. You will die.

    And last, but not least, the window panels that people keep asking me about.
    You crouch under them, and can use them as cover, and you can shoot out of them. Trust me, it can work. (Plus, you might find some stickies under them.)

    Well, there you go. Sorry to have to put it here, but fixes are always a good thing. Because of this update, you may notice that others previous comments don't make sense anymore. But that is because they have been taken into account! Thanks for the reviews guys!


    JimmB: "Looks like a lot of chaotic fun (my kind of a map :D)
    I'll queue for download and play it as soon as I can find my Halo 3 disk."

    Tex: "...glad to see u workin so hard to get it right, enjoy it pplz."

    xSharpshooter94: "i love this map the asthetics,gameplay pics. everything. this looks insanly fun."

    A drop bear: "Looks awesome, downloading now, by the way, nice work takeing in all the feedback and making this map just that much better. This one is a keeper."

    Reynbow: "But with that all said, it's not a bad thing. The basic layout is sometimes not good at all, you however have made a good looking layout. It looks to me like this map would play very well, with weapons spread out and the rush to Rockets, this map seems to call for movement.
    With a nice spread of weapons over the map, but holding back and not going over board."

    LuckoftheMoose: "Looks really fun, I'll DL ^_^"

    Jimbodawg: "I dl'd and played Team Swat 3v3. It was perfect map for it."

    Download Border War V2
    #1 Awkward Silence, May 17, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2008
  2. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks great. Few walls and such look a tad crooked but overall looks like a tidy map.
  3. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sweeet. Does that give me a download?
    #3 Awkward Silence, May 17, 2008
    Last edited: May 18, 2008
  4. bib bob

    bib bob Ancient
    Senior Member

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    like the map and all
    but the shield door in the middle does not need to be there because it calls for a camp central with a CQC gun
  5. Tex

    Tex Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i would have to agree with bib, also, if i might add, try interlocking the bridges with the boxes, it will help aesthetically...and did i see the bridges blocking the stairway up? making it so u have to jump to get up there? u may want to work on that also :-/ as for the rest of it, it looks pretty solid, maybe work out some lining up, but ya, keep up the forging good sir
  6. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I see what you mean, but the only CQC weapon is the Mauler, and it is waaaayyy far away from there. Also, there is a Power Drain in the middle of the Shield Doors.
    Originally Posted by Tex [​IMG]
    i would have to agree with bib, also, if i might add, try interlocking the bridges with the boxes, it will help aesthetically...and did i see the bridges blocking the stairway up? making it so u have to jump to get up there? u may want to work on that also :-/ as for the rest of it, it looks pretty solid, maybe work out some lining up, but ya, keep up the forging good sir

    Well, thanks overall, but interlocking the bridges doesn't really work. The point of the bridges is to prevent players from grenade-jumping up, and also to help you from falling off unintentionally. They do block the stairs a little bit, and I was worried about it, but after a fantastic playtest, (thank you OnlyMaximumv, b 647 and friends) I found that most people were jumping up anyways, and no one got caught on it. Plus, it provides a bit of cover for those on the bridge making them even more powerful. :)
    #6 Awkward Silence, May 17, 2008
    Last edited: May 17, 2008
  7. LXV Grizzly

    LXV Grizzly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks good, some things are crooked and need to be interlocked and cleaned up, but nice layout.
  8. Tex

    Tex Ancient
    Senior Member

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    u could still interlock the bridges with the double boxes, and prevent people from grenade jumping o_O i dont quite understand...anyways, i heed a warning to you, double posting will get u a slap of infractioness from the mod's try not to post back to back, simply edit ur previous post, and delete the current
  9. Cato IV

    Cato IV Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks pretty good
  10. OnlyMaximumv

    OnlyMaximumv Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yeah i helped play test this and it plays great and he took my advice in making the top look better
    give it a try it plays really good
    the only problem i found is that you can jump onto the walls but most of the time you are just an easy shot
    and tex what happened to no double posting
  11. Tex

    Tex Ancient
    Senior Member

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    someone deleted there post, i was fine...bastards


    use teleporter nodes to line things up ezier,

    a. place teleporter node on one current bridge, save, and quit.
    b. turn that bridge off
    c. use it as support for the next piece
    d. i suggest doing it on the double boxes, and multiple times
  12. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ha ha, yeah, that was me. You said not to double-post, so I edited an old one and deleted the other. Wait.... Damn.
  13. JimmB

    JimmB Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks like a lot of chaotic fun (my kind of a map :D)
    I'll queue for download and play it as soon as I can find my Halo 3 disk.
  14. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Edits, people.

    Hey, I've been listening to what you've all been saying, and I think all of your problems with the map have been fixed.... which means that most, (if not all) of the posts before this do not apply anymore. Just sayin'.
  15. OnlyMaximumv

    OnlyMaximumv Ancient
    Senior Member

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    all of those problems were fixed (except the bridges) in this update
  16. Tex

    Tex Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good job, i think that that will help for gameplay all 'round. Though, like i've said u really should fix those bridges, it will just help aesthetically...anyways, glad to see u workin so hard to get it right, enjoy it pplz
  17. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i love this map the asthetics,gameplay pics. everything. this looks insanly fun
  18. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yay! People like my map! Ooh. Gotta check how many downloads I have on! Oh, and to Tex, yeah... I did try to interlock the bridges with double boxes, but I found that to interlock them and prevent people from grenade-jumping up, they had to right on the edge of the box, and then the ends would poke out and it looked bad. That, or I'm just dumb. Either one. :)
  19. A drop bear

    A drop bear Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks awesome, downloading now, by the way, nice work takeing in all the feedback and making this map just that much better.

    This one i a keeper

    SPAGETTII Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Looks a little too plain
    but nice forging anyway
    i'd give it a 3.9/5

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