*PLEASE DOWNLOAD V.I.P VARIANT FOR MAXIMUM FUN AND ITS HONOR-RULE FREE* Map: Rat's Nest Gametype: V.I.P & Infection Description: After the first border riot, the border guards had to upgrade the Border to a new state of the art fence. The border is even harder to cross now. With new weapons and equipment, the border guards will have an easier time stopping anyone trying to cross the border. If you're caught by the border guards, it can spell capture or even Death. Border hoppers has a wide variety of vehicles to choose from .The power drain is the classic weapon of the border guards. It screws up the border hoppers' vehicles drive mechanism, and can cause them to get captured. Secret weapons are placed throw out the border line. As a border guard, its also your job to look and find these secret weapos to help you out along the border. Boobie traps are very useful. Blowing up a pile of these will kill any unexpected border hoppers. As a border hopper, if you are able to cross the border with success you will be rewarded with the plentiful opportunities America has for everyone... Screenshots: Link To Map: Border Patrol 2 Link To Gametypes: *Highly Recommend V.I.P Variant* Border Patrol V.I.P V.2(FIXED) Border patrol 2 Infection Variant ***Please i do not mean to offend anyone with this map. I just create maps based on stuff that happens in the the world, and the particular theme i picked was illegal immigrants crossing the border. If you were offended in anyway, i am truly sorry.***
Re: "Border Patrol 2" I played this map with you today and it was fun. except the border guards kept escaping. I think you fixed that though
Re: "Border Patrol 2" Yeah, i fix the little teleporter thing, when you can crouch under the bridge without getting caught by the teleporter. I also fixed the the man-cannons too. So the border guards can't hop over it now.
Re: "Border Patrol 2" Awesome concept. ive always wanted to see what it feels like to be an illegal immigrant. Now my life long dreams will come true! Hooray! =D
Re: "Border Patrol 2" what happens to the hoppers once they succed to get ovet do they just go round again?
Re: "Border Patrol 2" In the V.I.P variant, if they are successful at crossing the border, they will have the opportunity to gain another point. Its very hard gaining points, but also very fun!
Re: "Border Patrol 2" Judging by the pictures, this map looks freaking fun! So exactly how hard is it to gain points? Edit: Do you have any other maps? I'll check the forums if you do have anymore...
Re: "Border Patrol 2" Thx for your comment! Yeah it is kinda hard gaining points, but if you use strategy and make the attacking team blow their only power drain, then you'll definitely have a chance gaining a point. Oh and i do have lots more maps, which i have seen you already have posted comments about them in the forum.
WOW DUDE!!! my bro just DLed this map and he we and some friends were going crazy playing the V.I.P variant. It was so freaking FUN!!! its hilarious how the v.i.p team is trying to get across without dying. The map really makes you have to use strategy to get you points. The V.I.P dies easily, but its still fun.
I know, the first time i've played the V.I.P variant with my CPF group, they loved it. I especially loved it. Its really fun trying to get across that bridge. My advice to cross the border is to use the warthog and have about 2-3 people go in choppers and go in front to kill any opposition.
ya this map is great in the customs we had. did u make is that we cant get out now? if u want i could try and make another version
yes i have, but you can check to see if there is any other flaws in it, if you do see any you can make another version...