Border Patrol 2 ***Please i do not mean to offend anyone with this map. I just create maps based on stuff that happens in the the world, and the particular theme i picked was illegal immigrants crossing the border. If you were offended in anyway, i am truly sorry.*** PLEASE DOWNLOAD V.I.P VARIANT FOR MAXIMUM FUN AND ITS HONOR-RULE FREE. Updated: (8/31/08-8:00p.m Est) This is a updated version. As you can see by the download count. I Fixed the go to point. # Of Players: 10-12 players Map: Rat's Nest Gametype: V.I.P Description: After the first border riot, the border guards had to upgrade the Border to a new state of the art fence. The border is even harder to cross now. With new weapons and equipment, the border guards will have an easier time stopping anyone trying to cross the border. If you're caught by the border guards, it can spell capture or even Death. Border hoppers has a wide variety of vehicles to choose from .The power drain is the classic weapon of the border guards. It screws up the border hoppers' vehicle's drive mechanism, and can cause them to get captured. Secret weapons are placed through out the border line. As a border guard, its also your job to locate these secret weapons to help you out along the border. Boobie traps are very useful. Blowing up a pile of these will kill any unexpected border hoppers. As a border hopper, if you are able to cross the border with success you will be rewarded with the plentiful opportunities America has for everyone... Screenshots: The Border The state of the art fence Captured Power Drain The Vehicles Boobie Traps Escaping to Glory! (Note: You can only score on a mongoose, nothing else!) A secret weapon Wall of deployable shields Powerhouse Vehicles How to play: As the V.I.P team, players have to escort their V.I.P safely across the border. Strategy is everything in this. Allow players with powerhousing vehicles to clear a path for the V.I.P to come through. You can only score if the V.I.P is in a mongoose. If you are able to get your V.I.P across the border safely, you will get another chance to gain another point. As the offensive team, basically the defensive team, you will have to try to stop the V.I.P team from trying to get across the border. There are plenty of tools you can use at your disposal. Tools such as the power drain are very helpful, but be careful not to blow your only power drain, as its very useful at stoping vehicles in there tracks. There is a lot of strategy involved for the offence team. Setting up a wall of deplayable shields in front of the gate is very useful at stopping small vehicles such as mongooses and ghosts. The round ends when the V.I.P is killed. Either betrayal, suicide, or killed by opposing team. First team to 10 points wins! Download the HIGHLY RECOMMENDED gametype here: BP2 V.I.P V.2 Download the Map here: Border Patrol 2 V3 This map is 100% cheat proof. No one are going to be in a place where they shouldn't. Honor-Rule FREE! Please Rate, Comment, and of course, Download!
this looks like a really fun map to play being able to take out vehicles as they run from you, and as they try and get past the border, i dont think anyone will take this offensively illegaly crossing the border occurs every were and after all its a game.
Hmmm, it's a nice post, but all your worded links in your descriptions have 404'd. Might wanna do something about that. Anyway... I like the concept, but I don't really like this weird gate thing. I think it'd be better if there were no gate or whatever and all the border hoppers have to do is drive through the tunnel and round the corner to victory. That way, the border guards can chase after them, shaking their fists angrily (or rather shooting at them) in a futile last-ditch attempt to kill the border hoppers. I like the idea, but I can see it getting boring quickly. It's probably also a mini-game.
Just a heads up... you'll need to fix those teleporters because there IS a way to get through them without a vehicle. Just by looking at those images, if that's actually how the teleporters are placed... I guarantee people know how to walk through those teleporters.
You just can't assume anything until you have actually played the map. There's absolutely no way the attacking team(In this case, the defending team) can get passed the gate... why don't you guys actually download it and see if you can get through... Don't judge a book by its cover, or this case a map by its pictures..
Don't even tell me that I need to play the friggin' game to know that. Do you even know anything about teleporters? Trust me when I say you can walk right through without a vehicle. If you've ever played skycastle and know how to get on without a vehicle, then you know the trick I'm talking about. Anyone that knows what I'm talking about can back me up on this. If you consider walking through the teleporter cheating, then you should fix the map or remove the claim that it's cheat proof.
I know a lot about the teleporters. You walk into one and come out from another. So, you tell me something that I don't know about something that has 1 basic function. Once you a defending team player tries to go into one of the teleporters, they automatic get sent back to the area where they spawn. The only time you can go through the teleporters is if you have a vehicle. Stop making assumptions and actually play the map... Also, some of the embedded pictures aren't updated. Some are still are still from version 1
It's pointless talking to an ignorant idiot that knows nothing. Walk through the top third of a teleporter and tell me that it can't be done. Let me know when you feel like a big enough idiot and I'll rub in your stupidity a little more. I'm trying to point out a well known flaw and exploit in your map and you think I'm simply being an ass. Why would I download the map when I know the flaw exists because I have teleporters overlapping on a map I tweaked and I still can get through the teleporter without teleporting. You will need a minimum of 4 teleporters laying across and overlapping from the looks of what you're trying to do.
Wow, what is your problem? You need to grow up because it seems like you can't handle an adult conversation. There was no need for any flaming. I was just asking you to actually try it out instead of making assumptions based on what you "think" you know. "Many" people have played this map and I've never heard or seen a comment where people could just walk through the teleporters... The teleporters may looked overlapped, but they're not, and you just can't walk through them. If you can show me a video of you or anybody else actually playing the map and actually trying to see if you can actually walk through then I'll actually believe you...
An adult conversation would require you to take your head out of your ass and actually read and take my advice for once. I told you exactly how to walk through a teleporter in my last post and you can test this out yourself. Why would I give you the satisfaction of a download when I know that this is an issue that is universal with any map that lays teleporters out like that. I wouldn't want to waste space on my HD for this map anyways. I also said that you need to overlap the teleporters in order to try to fix this exploit in the teleporters. I wasn't asking or saying that you overlap the teleporters... again, you need to take the time and read. If you really give a damn about your map and the fact that you said this map is cheat-free, you can take the time to read my last post and do exactly what I said... walk through the top half of a teleporter and see for yourself. Perhaps someone else can back me up on this well known glitch... because I'm not wasting space on this map when I know that I'm right.
I made a map like this on sandbox. I blocked out the guardians and the attackers got to get to the border (territory 1). Yours looks great. Maybe better than mine.
You know what, lets end this. You're . I wouldn't call something cheat proof if it wasn't. Unlike you, I actually spent time testing the map. That bridge was the one item where i spent hours making it cheat proof. I should know if people could walk through or not. So thank you for your input, i appreciate it, but im not gonna sit here and listen to your childish rant. For the sake of the map, i will try once again and see if you can actually walk through the teleporters.. All i asked of you was to actually download the map and find out your self. Just because it looks like it in the pictures doesn't mean it is... you gotta experience it yourself... Good day!