During a game of SWAT on Pinnacle my friend goes nuts with pummles resulting in this incredible feat. Listen to the medals he gets. [bungievid]13433325[/bungievid] He ends up getting the most kills with 1 headshot, 1 assassination, and 14 pummels.
Seen this a couple of times, it's always great. I hope Bungie see this and realise that maybe, just maybe, the insanely long kill trade window they've implemented in Reach wasn't the best idea in the world... But seriously, 14 pummels? Did the guys he was playing against even realise that they had guns? The fact that it was on a map as open as Pinnacle only makes it more disturbing.
Yeah it was quite funny when we watched the video the first time as he was bragging about all of this but then i found the showstopper part and all of us in the room said in unison "no way" because he didn't even remember it happening.