This is one of my very first maps (it's at least a year old now) and I've spent a ton of time on it and it's gone through a lot of revisions. The concept is simple. It's a symmetrical map that only uses the mancannon areas of Narrows, which forces players to use the mancannons to invade the enemy base. There aren't many actual weapons (there's a few turrets, but they're basically useless), so most of the fighting will be done with either your sword and hammer or the equipment that's scattered across the map. Each piece of equipment has a different effect on the battle (and in some cases, a hilarious effect), so be sure to experiment with them. In addition to the traditional weapons, your base acts as its own weapon. The mancannons periodically shoot out fusion coils on their own, which have a devastating effect on would-be invaders. Each base has three fusion coils in front of the mancannon, so try not to stand in front of it if you don't have to (there are actually spawns in those areas, but if you're playing with the matching ruleset you should have some invincibility when you spawn so that you have time to run). There are also fusion coils that can be pushed into the cannon if you feel like, but remember that they can blow up in your face if you're not careful. (Red base starts with two coils while blue starts with one. The extra one red has never respawns and makes up for the fact that the automatic cannon on the blue side fires first). The problem with the map is that it's old, and I don't know any of the fancy Forge tricks that you kids today have. I might go back in and edit it if I ever get better, but since these maps never got a proper release on the Bungie forums, I thought it would be nice to release them here in their original form. That said, they work properly, except they're easy to break. I gave up trying to block off all of the doors with crates, so I just put up some teleporters and decided to call it an honor rule. By the way, that's an honor rule. Don't break the freakin' map. In the original Bombarded, that takes about two seconds and zero effort, but in Bombarded NV the map is much harder to break. I haven't found a way to break it yet. The problem is that you don't have Mongooses in NV, which makes it less fun (flying through a mancannon on a Mongoose might be stupid, but it is incredibly fun). That said, I hope that you still find a way to enjoy the map the way it is now. I worked hard on it, and I've had a lot of fun goofing off with my friend on it. While it supports all gametypes, the included one is the best suited (you can probably play things other than Slayer just fine, but you'll probably want to make a set that matches the Slayer one). (PS: there's some crazy stuff going on in the inside of the map. It's all failed ways I tried to keep people from breaking the map, but since it didn't affect gameplay I never removed it. Plus I'm pretty proud of my exploding bridge.) Weapon List: 2 Plasma Cannons 2 Machine Gun Turrets 4 Frag Grenades 4 Plasma Grenades 4 Spike Grenades 4 Firebomb Grenades 4 Bubble Shields 2 Power Drains 2 Trip Mines 4 Grav Lifts 2 Regenerators 2 Flares 4 Deployable Covers 4 Mongooses Download: (I think I might be technically breaking a rule here by not linking it to the forum, but I think in the redesign Bungie removed DL links from the forum post. Hopefully this link is still appropriate. The files are in a fileset, so you can go ahead and download all of them from one link). Download Bombarded Download Bombarded NV Download Gametype Screens:
well, i think we the people of forgehub would like to see more add a couple more pics please, action shots would work too
I'm sorry, but this is very UN-original. It has been done many times. It does look better than the others, however.
whats said above also dont have so many weapons/ equipment / turrets right next to eachother if you hvae foundry and are interested in expanding your forging skills, got to the forging 101 section
I will admit this is one of the better maps, but like whats a scope said. its not original. What gets people to download maps a lot is originality. I think this map has a great use of the weapons and equipment if it takes awhile to respawn. 3/5
I'm disappointed to hear that it's not original. When I first did it, I'd never even heard of the idea. In fact, this is still the only map I've seen like it. Of course considering the fact that giant robots are an old idea now I probably should have seen it coming. I'm afraid I probably won't be able to get good action shots since I don't get to play custom games with friends much. Of course I do have a couple of screenshots of things like me flying through the air on a burning mongoose, but those were posed. I'll see if I can get them up later (I don't like to upload pictures much TBH. I'm lazy and I actually crashed my browser uploading the two I have now ). They're in my gallery right now if you want to see them before I get more up. The weapon positions and respawns might need to be tweaked. I think most things are on default spawn times. I tried to spread everything out as much as I could, but I might still go in and take out a few things. Thanks for the feedback.
Welcome to FH! Congrats on making your post up to standards. Now for the map. I would suggest first off not overloading the map with power weapons as it creates inequality. This map also looks like spawn camp mania considering it's only such a small part of the map. Also the forging looks very amatuer and perhaps a trip to the forging 101 section would help you greatly. Hopefully I'll see you around more on FH.
It's ok. Btw, I wasn't trying to be mean before. Also, welcome to FH. And great job on your post. It is done correctly. I hope to see you make more maps.
hmmm its not a bad idea but like what many other people have said before me it is indeed unoriginal. although i do like that you made a map on a pre dlc map those are really rare to find so A+ for effort.
Interesting that you didn't use foundry but it looks a bit plain. Could definitely use more pictures.
What you guys have to realize is that it was origional when he made it about a year ago. Sure its been done a few times but these games still prve to be fun. I'll dl this weekend. It looks fun and could have some interesting gameplay. I'll come back with a review after I've played it.
Thanks for the welcome. I hope you don't mind me asking, but what exactly are the power weapons? I'm expecting firebombs and turrets, but what else? If it helps, the turrets, power drains, and trip mines are all in a death zone. In fact, you're probably not going to see a mounted turret after the first minute. I'll go check out Forging 101 in a minute, but in the meantime, exactly what parts are amateurish? I hope you don't mind so many questions; I just want to know what I should fix before I go in there and start messing with stuff. I can definitely see spawn camping being a problem. I've taken steps against it, and in my testing (which unfortunately wasn't as thorough as I'd have liked) I haven't seen much of a problem with it, but I can still see somebody holing up behind deployable covers in the enemy base being a problem. So far I have invincibility on respawn and two major respawn areas (the "lip" where the coils hit and the main base behind the cannons) in each base. Anything else you think I should do? Don't worry about it. At the time I started this, I didn't have a choice . It's kind of funny seeing how limitless it felt back then and looking back on how limited it actually was now. And just so everybody knows, I'm going to try to get screenshots up tomorrow. Thanks for the warm reception, everybody. I look forward to posting more of my abominations in the future.
need more pics before I waste my time and DL, Is it just the lift that your using? If so it has been done before.
A better discription, and perhaps some action shot would be great. Also you could mebe learn some advanced forge tips. Otherwise, looks fun and origional!
For as some say that this is unoriginal, it's not unoriginal, I mean it's on a old bungie map (Narrows) and anyway, I have only seen 3 good maps on narrows (hobo heights, that king of the hill one and this one), not to say that this one is good though, cause it's definatly overpowered and nothing unique is placed inside the map. I know you are lazy and I can see that very easily, but that is making your post worse and so will our comments be more negative about you than positive about the map, so try improving your map and post by making an improved V2. btw lol, looks a bit plain?!?!? It's Narrows!!