bomb placement.. HELP

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by LOL zombie, Feb 5, 2008.

  1. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
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    Hello, as i got bored w/ COD4 i went back to halo3 to finish my map. The basic feel for the map is that the attackers have to get the bomb OUT of the defenders base and take it to their own. When i was done with all the weapon placement and scenery i changed game type to assault and looked at the bomb markers........I got very confused. If you could tell me how to hlep that would be appreciated :(
  2. Nate the Gate

    Nate the Gate Ancient
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    Make sure you go through and delete and bomb spawn/plant points before you finish, every map has them preset if they weren't already placed somewhere else.

    Bomb spawn point=where the team picks up the bomb at the beginning of the game.
    Bomb plant point= where the team arms the bomb.

    If a bomb plant point belongs to the defending team, that means they are trying to defend it, not plant the bomb there.

    Hope that helps.
  3. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
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    I know that you have to move them its just i want to make it so the attckers(marines) have to get the bomb out of the nuclear truck plant(terrorist base) and take it to the anti-bomb facility
    I have the bomb pick-up points where i want them i just dont know what to set them as... lol
  4. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    I am not really understanding what you are having trouble with, but assault is normally you picking it up at your base and arming it in the defender's base. If you want to do it the other way around, you should do CTF.
  5. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
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    ok i figured it out. I guess it would work the same wit CTF..Well thanx
  6. Billy Reloaded

    Billy Reloaded Ancient
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    I made something similar to this, I too wished to use a bomb instead of a flag(elite troops retrieving a hard drive from a enemy military base(High Ground) and bring it to the LZ(the beach)), but every time I placed the point down, they would put default ones in too. I guess I might just have to go with a flag too :squirrel_sad:
  7. Sixpakvb

    Sixpakvb Ancient
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    If i think you're talking about what i think you're talking about, you'd do it just like you'd do a 1-flag 2 (yes i said 2) bomb spawns (1 attacker's and 1 defender's) and 2 spots you need to place them in. (1 attackers and 1 defender's like before) place them in the same spot and put it on your one-flag gametype.hope this helps!

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