I think that it would be really fun to have a boat track on Longshore. Maybe just an oval track that is only one lap. Meaning, at the end there is an oddball and whoever picks it up first wins. Again, this is just a suggestion, and if you wasnt to use this idea, I'll be happy to help you forge it.
Its an interesting idea although to be honest its quite dull. Maybe if you were to find ways to make it more interesting (like different dingy arrangements) it would be better. Another way this could work is a large field of dingys and there is a ball in the middle. Everyone rushes to get it while all around them the level starts sinking.
While that is an improvement on his original thought (no offence to security), even this idea only provides what, 10, 15 seconds of gameplay per round? ... Needs something more... but what?
I was thinking people could be like pirates and jump from boat to boat, and kill people along the way.
Again though, all the boats and movable objects sink very quickly after you jump on them, unless you're constantly meleeing/shooting it, 10 to 15, maybe even 20 seconds per round.
boat races suck. It is just a slow movement which is kind of hard to control. No fun at all. Interesting for sure, but not fun.
What about throwing grav lifts (the equipment, not the object) into the mix. Although I have no idea what their effect on boats is. And BTW: what's wrong with 10-15 seconds of gameplay? That Penny Slot-or-something-like-that-game is pretty popular.