Sandbox Boardwalk

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by CaptainMcSMOKE, May 3, 2009.

  1. CaptainMcSMOKE

    CaptainMcSMOKE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    My first forge starting from scratch, constructive criticism greatly appreciated.

    Name: Boardwalk
    Best for: Team Slayer, Rumble Pit


    Weapon/Equipment description:
    2x carbine
    2x battle rifle
    2x shotgun
    2x mauler
    1x gravity hammer
    1x rocket launcher
    1x energy sword
    1x power drain
    1x bubble shield
    1x regenerator
    2x overshield
    Assorted frag, plasma, spike, AND firebomb grenades
    2x warthog
    2x chopper
    2x mongoose
    1x ghost

    If i'm missing other things to include on my post, please forgive me, I am but a noob to this hub.
    Looking for comments regarding spawn points and weapon placement as well as overall thoughts about gameplay and design, Thanks!
    #1 CaptainMcSMOKE, May 3, 2009
    Last edited: May 3, 2009
  2. redpox28

    redpox28 Ancient
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    This looks pretty good, but a little open under the platform. I would also remove the killballs, because they make an ungodly noise that many find displeasing.

    Other than that, very good for a first post.

    Overall 7/10, Needs more cover, and less killballs
  3. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    First impressions:
    • The layout looks nice.
    • The map is nicely forged... I don't see any major problems.
    • Nice design of the large base.
    • Kill Balls need to go.
    • Shield doors need to go.
    • Too many power weapons. Get rid of the shotguns and the hammer and add one sniper and more Battle Rifles.
    • In the back area on the last picture where the warthog and mongoose spawn, consider placing some sort of structure there. That section of the map seems very bare.

    This is a very good first map. It's a lot better than most other people's first map.
  4. Hunter85792

    Hunter85792 Ancient
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    Hmmm looks like a good first post. At least the pictures work... Anyway a quick tip, take your screenshots from a game of slayer and go into free camera, this makes the pictures look better.
    As for the map itself it looks alright. My only qualm with the items are the kill balls. They make an annoying noise and can be fairly distracting during gameplay. If your map is asymmetric (different on both sides) than try to make both sides equal.
    Anyway this looks like an above average first post. Keep up the great forging!
  5. CaptainMcSMOKE

    CaptainMcSMOKE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you for the comments like i said greatly appreciated. I didn't realize how unpopular kill balls are lol. As for the weapons i totally agree with lessening up the power, i forgot to include that there is 1 sniper already on the platform that is out of sight in these shots. tweaks will be made for sure. Also, one question...after i do tweak the map do i simply start a new thread for the new map? or delete this thread and then post new? hah, ignorance thy name is McSMOKE
  6. T3H Sniper King

    T3H Sniper King Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Great layout, and I would also remove the killballs, in some situations it's okay, but this one isn't. I also suggest you put more cover out.

    Other than that 8/10

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