Remake Boarding Reach

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Redtom, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. Redtom

    Redtom Forerunner

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    Boarding Reach
    A Remake Of Boarding Action
    V1.5 Updated on 05 October


    Boarding Reach is my remake of the Halo CE orignal map Boarding Action, this is my first remake and also the first map I've posted anywhere.

    Due to budget and the lack of Grav Lifts I've had to make some pretty big changes to the map, for example I've been forced to use ramps in places which alter the map signifigantly, although I like to think it has turned out alot like the orignal!

    Any and all feedback would be great! Bare in mind I haven't play tested it much, maybe 4 slayer games of 5 v 5 at most. So there may be some problems just let me know and I'll try and sort them out.


    I have tried to keep the weapon set as close to the orignal as possible although I have taken out power ups as I do not think they suit the style of game play Reach has to offer. Here a list of whats on the map, if not stated repawns and clip sizes are default.

    2 Shotguns
    2 Assault Rifles
    2 Plasma Rifles
    2 Sniper Rifles - Extended respawn time + Reduced to 0 extra Mags
    2 Rocket Launchers - 180 Second Respawn + 0 clips
    8 Plasma Nads*
    4 Normal Nads*
    2 Needlers*
    8 Health Kits - 6 Orignal + 2 I added
    2 Nad Launchers* - 60 Second Respawn + 0 Clips
    2 Feul Rods - 90 Second Respawn + 0 Clips
    2 Needle Rifles - Not Orignal
    4 DMRs - Not Orignal

    * Nad have been halfed as they spawned in fours on the orignal halo, now twos.
    * Only placed 2 needlers instead of 4 as there is little point in having 2 spawn togeather
    * Nad Launchers replace the FlameThrower

    All weapons are placed at the same spawns as in the orignal apart from the ones I have added





    Update Log
    - Download (Old)

    • Edited respawn time on sniper and removed extra clip to combat sniper domination.
    • I've added a Grav lift to take you up to the sniper section as I found during the first play test that its near impossible to take down a sniper camping up there.
    v1.5 - Download (Latest)

    • Replaced all spawns to represent the orignal better and to try and stop spawn killing as easily.
    • Move a Grav lift from the right sized of each section to be place in the bunker near it as this is where it is in the orignal map.
    • Removed all Weapons and replaced by adding all Weapons and Health Kits from the original game, plus some extras.
    • Replaced the objects I used for walls in some sections to save on money.
    • Added more barricades in places where they were missing
    • Removed the barricade on the center of the second level and replaced with a short wall to replicate the orignal better.
    • Added more explosives
    • Switched the door section on the upper level of both sides with the wall next to is and they were in the wrong places compared to the original map.
    • Rewrote this post and added the new download link.

    #1 Redtom, Oct 3, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2010
  2. BlackHawkGaming

    BlackHawkGaming Forerunner

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    Considering this is your first post, I'll just go easy on you =) It seems that your image posts are not appropriately according the the image posting rules. You must have them embedded into your post. Honestly I have to say that when people have to click a link to see pictures, they hate it =/ I speak from experience. Sorry man but if you don't get it fixed eventually, the mods are going to lock this thread.
  3. Redtom

    Redtom Forerunner

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    Fixed now (I think), thanks for the heads up.
  4. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I am also going to attempt to remake this map soon. I haven't popped my Halo CE disk in yet but soon as I do I will try to beat your remake. Good job on making the map, but next time you attempt a remake try going back to the original to help you along
  5. Redtom

    Redtom Forerunner

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    Thanks I'll try and do that in the future, I think I was pretty lazy with this :p couldn't be bothered finding the CD drive so I could install halo :p

    I look forward to seeing yours, good luck with it :)
  6. Stumanji

    Stumanji Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I started to attempt a Boarding Action remake (mine was called "Boarded") and, I tell you, hats off to you for keeping your patience with this one. I would absolutely love a Copy & Paste or Mirror (Reflect) in Forge. Part of my frustration with creating this remake was exactly as you expressed in yours: limitations causing changes to the original. Makes me wonder why ladders weren't included in this iteration of Forge.

    I gave up on it. Deleted it. Glad to see that you created a beautiful looking take on Boarding Action.

    My only complaint is the name. Lacks the originality or the playfulness we've come to associate with Halo's map remakes over the years. (Blood Gulch --> Coagulation --> Hemorrhage; Hang'em High --> Tombstone; Wizard --> Warlock; et cetera)
  7. Redtom

    Redtom Forerunner

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    I know exactly what you mean, making it once was hard enough and then to have to copy it as best I could a second time seemed like an eternity.

    As for the name it's pretty obvious I didn't put much thought in to it, so I have no excuses there.

    Thanks for taking a look at my map :)
  8. Ondley

    Ondley Forerunner

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    Tis' bloody lovely. DL'ing and will give feedback L8R.
    Oh and sorry for the hard-to-read comment :)
  9. Redtom

    Redtom Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Thanks man :)
    I've just finished an update to the map which I've placed in the orignal post, corrected a few mistakes and added the orignal Weapons in there orignal spawns.
  10. Stumanji

    Stumanji Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This may not be your cup of tea, but if you want to *try* to capture that space feeling, if you have room in your budget, try applying a Purple FX and a Next Gen FX. Really dims down the daylight in Forge World.

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