C'mon Hi Forgehub. I have recently spent time creating good ol' Boarding Action (with a few twists). However, I have run into a dilemma. First of all, I don't know any of the spawns, and am terrible at map balance so don't know how to place the (different from original) weapons. And second of all, more importantly, I don't know how to mirror the other side. I have created one side so far and am finding it impossible to create the other. So, fellow Hubbers, here is my request. Could you guys do what I cannot? It is certainly possible as I have only used up a max of 1/2 of each kind of structure, making it so the other side can definitely be created. If you finish it, you are allowed to take FULL CREDIT for the map, so long as you PM me the finished product. PS: The map is not completely accurate (EG ladders, differences in movement speed, jump height, so on) PPS: I have designed the map to only work with gametypes that have at least 125 jump height, to accomodate for the lack of said ladders. Link: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Search Thankyou! EDIT: Sorry guys, ignore the above link, try out this one Link: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileSearch.aspx?fc=4&tags=opqr&date=7&page=0&mode=list Added after 19 Hours 46 minutes: No-one? Please guys, could you help out? Added after 1: Is no-one willing to help?